View Full Version : Please help me

30-04-16, 16:27
I'm going completely out of my mind and I would love some advice right now-- seriously ANYTHING. I posted before but didn't really get a reply.

For about a month I've really struggled to breathe properly. I know-- so typical of anxiety, but I'm used to 'bad breathing' from anxiety but this is different. It felt asthmatic but inhalers and allergy medication did not help. I've found it more difficult to exercise, walk home from work, etc., because I get this horrible breathing.

I've been to multiple doctors who don't seem concerned. I've had general blood tests done, a chest x-ray, and an ECG. They said everything looks good, but I can't help the feeling that they are missing something, or the results got mixed up, or something. I'm worried about a blood clot-- but they don't seem to even check for it because I have none of the risk factors. (I was on birth control for about 2 weeks in February, probably a month before this started). This frustrates me but I recognize they are doctors and know what they're doing, but then, couldn't it be something like a blood clot, or am I just crazy?

I feel like anytime I tell anyone "well the doctors didn't find anything but I'm still worried", they just immediately zone out and chalk it up to "anxiety".

I would love something, anything, that could possibly reassure me, or, I don't know, give me some sort of answer.

Thank you SO much for anything you might be able to say.

01-05-16, 02:17
Hi, I'll tell you a little story. I experienced the same exact thing for about 2 weeks straight, constant feeling of shallow breathing, what really worried me was when I walked up a couple stairs and felt like I could not breathe at all. I went to the doctors last week and they listened to my lungs and my doctor told me my breathing was off and she could hear how I'm not breathing like I should and immediately ordered a chest X-ray which scared the hell out of me, I was sure something was wrong because everytime it was anxiety related in the past, it always went away after a while this was constant. The chest X-ray came back completely normal and my doctor said maybe it was asthma and gave me an inhaler but it didn't seem to do much for me either and I wasn't wheezing so I didn't believe it was asthma. Over the past couple days my breathing started getting better and I realized the only time it started to get shallow again was if I started to think about it, my doctor called me asking how I was doing and she looked at my history and saw I had a panic disorder and told me I could very well be hyperventilating without even realizing.

Basically what I'm trying to say is this is if all the tests come back normal its all anxiety doing this and even though it feels like something more serious and if you try not to think about it, it will go away eventually.