View Full Version : Frustrated...Need help, please.

30-04-16, 19:52
Hi Everyone,

I know none of you are doctors, but I am so frustrated with some pain I have been having I don't know what to do. I've posted about this before, but I have been dealing with terrible sharp pain above my left shoulder blade for about 2 months now. Some days it feels fine, but most of the time it really hurts, especially when sitting or lying down. Moving actually makes it feel better. Sometimes it feels muscular or nerve related, other times not.

I finally broke down and went to an orthopedist last month...he took a couple X-rays and basically told me nothing. I talked to a friend of mine whose husband is a dr. and he suggested massage, stretching, etc...but I have done all that.

I know there are some scary issues that can cause left shoulder blade pain, and I am doing my best to not let those issues get into my head (which is a big step for me!), but I've just been in so much pain I'm not sure what else to do. Do any of you have any suggestions? I'm going on a 7 day cruise next Friday, so I would love to be able to enjoy that without worrying what is going on.

Thanks everyone

30-04-16, 21:06
The most likely cause is muscular or trapped nerve possibly from your neck or your shoulder itself. Can you move your neck and shoulder normall or does this produce any pain?
Have you seen your primary care Dr about it? ( called GP in uk).

30-04-16, 22:52
I called my GP and he suggested an ultra sound of my arm for vascular issues, but everyone else I have talked to does not think that is necessary. Yes I can move my neck and shoulder and occasionally I will be able to mimic the pain and other times it doesn't hurt at all. I am hoping it is a pinched nerve and will go away eventually... Ive been a little dizzy on and off, but that's probably just from worrying what's causing it. I feel a bit better about myself at times because normally I would be FREAKING out over this ..so I guess I'm heading in the right direction, but I'm just so annoyed and frustrated over the pain!