View Full Version : I have strange thoughts

30-04-16, 23:51
I have never seen a doctor but i have an appointment soon. So i have no name for the thoughts i have, but when i saythem out loud they sound werid to worry about but in my head they are very real and scary. I just wanted to know if other people worry about similar things, i will name just a few.
I can't have a mirror in my bathroom as i am scared that my reflection is out to harm me or my family, the mirror's in the rest of the house i am not to bad with as it can't get out (i sound so crazy).
I am scared when i am out that gravity will stop and my loved ones will float away and i can't save them.
I get sensations / impulse and if i do not act on them something bad will happen.
I get horrible thoughts that i willl hurt people these really upset me the most.

01-05-16, 03:11
I'm afraid of Mirrors in the dark. I don't look into one unless there's light in the room.( thank you childhood sleep overs and Bloody Mary :/) idk what to say about the rest except don't worry about gravity being lost. It will never happen. Hope your de can help you deal with these things. Best wishes. PM me if you wanna chat

01-05-16, 07:03
Your GP will be aware of these types of thoughts, they are called intrusive thoughts. They are a very common element of anxiety but they are actually considered part of OCD. However, studies have proven that all human beings have intrusive thoughts, they just don't realise it.

Your first three are something I have known as Magical Thinking. Your last is harm based intrusive thoughts which I've also had.

OCD UK's descriptions should help you realise how well known these are these days:


I suggest you have a look at the OCD board because intrusive thoughts are pretty much every thread that is posted and has been for some time now. You will see explanations of how they work and advice on how to deal with them.

I'm not saying you have OCD because you don't mention whether there are any other anxiety issues, but it is a possibility. OCD isn't diagnosed based on the traits alone, it's about whether it is significantly impacting on your life. This is because many people, with or without anxiety disorders, have OCD traits to some degree.

04-05-16, 10:54
Hello, I can relate to a couple of these thoughts OP. I find reading this from Dr Seif really helps me put it in to context and realise it's normal, it's just the anxiety that makes it worse.
Your doctor will know about instrusive thoughts and you can be referred on the NHS for CBT. It's just the anxiety. Once it's under control you will know how to deal with it or even find they disappear the less you dwell on them.