View Full Version : Heart issues. Atrial flutter?

01-05-16, 14:44

I need help, advice, anything to try and put my mind at rest

As a general backstory, I've had problems with anxiety for over the last 6 years or so. I've been on courses of Citalopram, had group counselling, as well as one on one. Which was all brought on by heart palpitations. At the time, I had all the relevant test which indicated that my heart was fine and I begun to feel better after a number of years, to the point where I'd say I was almost 'cured'

Until now.

I don't know where to start... I feel like my palpitations have evolved into something else, something much worse.

Your general palp, I'm fine with, I can deal with it, it doesn't really bother me anymore (skipped beat then next beat a hard thump). I still get these, but I really couldn't care less about them, I appreciate they're benign.

But not these 'new' ones I've started to get over the last 3 months.

It first happened after I was at home, just finished a 12 hour night shift and was getting ready for bed. I don't know what it was, I don't know what to call it, but my heart seemed to.. flutter, or just struggle to beat, but it didn't stop there. It continued to do this for around 10 seconds and then go back to normal, every heartbeat felt like it was failing. I did not feel any chest pain, all I remember feeling at the time was a large amount of nausea, but I imagine this is likely because I was panicking.

It stopped and I tried to forget about it, hope it wouldn't happen again... it didn't for weeks.

Again, after another 12 hour night shift, it happened again. Same issue.

A few weeks later, after another night shift, it happened again.

There was an obvious pattern.. the night shifts. So i started to read up on it, little did I know night shift workers are at a much higher rate of developing heart disease! I should mention that I was working a shift pattern of 4 days on, 4 days off, 4 nights on, 4 nights off, 4 days on, etc etc (12 hour shifts)

I begun looking for a new job as was adamant that night shifts were the problem. I found one and as of last month, I'm now back on a regular 9-5 shift pattern. I also started taking magnesium citrate supplements, 220mgs a day, as I heard it could help with palps.

Hope that would be the end of it! It was.. until today. I was 4 weeks on without this issue re-occurring.

Today I was helping my dad move a bunch of items to take to the dump when it kicked in. But it wasn't a 10 second episode this time... it lasted a full minute

However, it did feel slightly different, my heart would flutter, then beat regular for 4-6 beats, then flutter again. (my heart was racing, my BPM must of been around 180) I'm really not sure if this is something to celebrate about or feel worse for? The flutters were less condensed, but over a longer time period... again, I experience no chest pain, just nausea and potentially a shortness of breath.

Eventually they stopped (after doing the forcing yourself to cough trick)

I'm going to see my GP as soon as I'm able, but I wondered if anyone had any similar experiences and could offer advice? How serious is this? I called the NHS helpline and they didn't seem too concerned

I've convinced myself that this is Atrial flutter

Any advice is appreciated
I'm a 30 year old male, 140lbs, no other existing health issues
Thank you :)

01-05-16, 17:24
I have super ventricular tachycardia - developed it after a lifetime of ectopics about 5 years ago. Its not dangerous but def not nice.

I suddenly get a intense flutter in chest ( my heart recorded going from 71 bpm to 178bpm for 16 seconds) and I go very faint but don't faint.
The valsalva manouvre stops it - hold your nose shut and blow hard. Its better than the hard cough although I usually try that firsst. I can go months without an attack of svt then I will get it alot over a few weeks.

I had it for 4 years without knowing what it was but like you I knew it was not runs of ectopics as totally different and ectopics don't make me feel faint. I had endless 24 hr 48 hr and 3 day mobile ecg's but it always behaved itself. My gp said that if it was a dangerous abnormality it wold have killed me!!! so he was sure it was harmless. I got a referral to cardiac centre and had an implanted recorder in chest ( I still have it in) and this recorded exactly what was happening which is why I know what it is.

I amnot saying you have this but I was told that people who get ectopics often develop svt as well and although both are horrible they are not harmful and won't make you actually faint.

Make appt with your GP and explain your symptoms, ask about svt as a reason.

The fact you are still here:) and coughing stops the attacks points very strongly to it not being a harmfull disorder.