View Full Version : 22 and can feel lumps in my right breast. terrified

01-05-16, 16:50
i have health anxitey and literally my brain is in overdrive now. after checking my breasts last night a few times i felt about 3 flat rubber felling things in my left breast and now am crying and cant breath. i dont even know if its link to my cycle or not as i have lost so much weight due to an eating disorder that av not had a period in months . i dont know what to do am freaking out. the earliest i can get to the doctors is thursday but do i wait longer and give it a week to see if i get my period and it goes away . am terrified the doctors going send me away for tests . i already feel physically sick .am terrified and keep on going on to breast cancer forums and reading storys about how people got diagnosed. am so scared. i cant tell anyone cos everyone thinks am overreacting cos av been through this lots in the past with other body parts

dizzy daisy
01-05-16, 17:07
Hi Amandapanda
First of all, your breast do feel more lumpy when you have your period. The advice is to check them when you don't have your period and at the same time every month if possible so try not to worry, it could just be due to hormones. Also as you've lost weight you may just be able to feel more lumps and bumps than usual. Everyone has lumps and bumps in their breast hunny you just need to look for things that seem new or unusual.
I've been where you are now twice before, I felt something lumpy that wasn't there before and I was frightened. Just visit your GP. I know it's hard and frightening but they can give you an exam and let you have their thoughts. For me, my mum had breast cancer so they referred me to the breast clinic anyway. They are fabulous and talk you through everything. They're very thorough and do even if your GP does refer you, please try not to worry, more than 95% of lumps are not dangerous at all. They can be anything from cysts, fatty tissue, swollen gland, milk duct etc xxx

01-05-16, 17:17
As dizzy daisy says its very common to feel lumpy breasts in the week or so before a period. The fact you can feel 3 lumpy areas is good news as breast cancer is usually just 1 lump. Plus if you have lost alot of weight recently then you will be feeling the actual structure of your breasts - milk ducts and glands etc that you would not have been able to feel in the past.

There really is no rush to see your Dr. Make an appt as soon as you can with a lady Dr if possible and then they can examine you - they know what breasts should feel like so know when to refer you if necessary. At your age the chances of breast cancer are many million to one if that.

Please don't keep prodding and poking your breasts while you wait for an appt as this will just inflame any glands or hormonal tissue.

I really do think that its a combination of your weight loss from breats meaning you can feel the structure plus hormonal changes but fo ryour peace of mind go and get examined .

01-05-16, 17:29
I have recently had this fear myself so no what your going thro breasts are lumpy so I wudnt worry and if there flat lumps I wud say that's muscle tissue.just pop to your docs put your mind,at rest and shel tell u how to check them properly.

01-05-16, 19:07
thank you so much everyone this has really helped alot . i have very small breasts as well and can easily feel everthing . hoping everyone is right and its just breast tissue . going to try and leave it week to see if i get my period and its just link to that

01-05-16, 19:31
Hi ive had this, the way i describbed it to my dr was its almost feels like a soft grape and he says it sounds age approperite lumpyness (im 23) and not to worry (hahaha) but keep an eye on it. Ive recently came off the implant and have been having sore lumpy boobs, of course irrational side of my brain is in overdrive bit logical side is saying wait until next mothly and check again and thensee dr if need be. The way you described them sounds the same as mine but if your still worried pop into GP :)