View Full Version : How is everyone doing?

01-05-16, 20:48
I can't keep up with what thread everyone is posting in right now so thought I'd start a new one to see how everyone is doing?
I'm coming upto week 12 on 10mg & still have bad days where I think 'I absolutely cannot get through today' and my head is racing with anxious thoughts. But - I am much better at dealing with them now and my good days definitely out weigh the bad.
I'm going in holiday in 2 weeks and have a few niggling worries about it, wondering what will happen if I freak out while I'm away and ruin the holiday etc. But my self help books and CBT methods are helping me to rationalise my thoughts a lot.
Hope everyone is doing OK, I hope today has been a good one for everyone and if not remember tomorrow is a new day.

01-05-16, 22:08
Day 5 on 25mg Sertraline. It seems to be helping alongside the .5mg Clonezapam they have me on twice daily. Anxiety is still all I think about all day long.. My mind just wants to be anxious and worry regardless of what I do. Distraction helps sometimes. I am doing mildly better, though. I am tolerating Sertraline much better than the Citalopram.

02-05-16, 10:21
I had really good effect with sertraline in the past, I think it's a good med. Are you still getting out and about? I had an anxious day yesterday where it's all I could think about too, I think it's worse when I'm tired and I've had a few nights of bad sleep

02-05-16, 17:02
Yeah, my roommate is in the hospital for surgery, currently on inpatient bedrest, so we've been going to hang out with him everyday to keep him company. I'm actually starting to feel improvement, I think.

I'm sleeping fantastic since switching to Sertraline and even able to take naps during the day sometimes, without those damn jolts I experienced on the Citalopram.

I still have a lot of bad habits and such from the trauma of what I went through, namely constantly worrying about how I can't control ALL of my thoughts. I know this is something that is normal for everyone and we all have wandering thoughts, but it feels like the anxiety irrationally latched on and made this a fear because of all the intrusive thoughts I experienced during the intense anxiety.

Still working on this. But today is the first day that I am ALONE. I've made sure that I was always with someone for the last few months, because I was terrified to be alone with my thoughts.. And I had a little bit of intense anxiety when I had this realization earlier this morning, but I'm actually managing to cope alright which surprised the hell out of me.

I hope this is a step towards recovery and not just a tease! Sertraline has been amazing for me so far and I'm only on Day 6 of 25mg. I feel so much more stable. I'm not 100% yet, not even close, but the improvement is noticeable.

02-05-16, 18:32
I'm so pleased for you LAI, it certainly sounds like a little bit of improvement might be happening, albeit slowly (probably the best way too!) Getting decent kip helps too because insomnia takes such a toll on the body both physical and mental, I know that from bitter experience.

How is your appetite?

---------- Post added at 18:32 ---------- Previous post was at 18:27 ----------

Well done Suzie, keep on truckin' :yesyes:

02-05-16, 18:33
Glad to hear everyone's doing well. I wish I could say the same. I'm having a hell of a time. Today is my dad's birthday, and instead of being happy (I'll be seeing him later), my anxious brain is going "One less year you'll have with him." What is wrong with me?

02-05-16, 19:05
I'm so pleased for you LAI, it certainly sounds like a little bit of improvement might be happening, albeit slowly (probably the best way too!) Getting decent kip helps too because insomnia takes such a toll on the body both physical and mental, I know that from bitter experience.

How is your appetite?

---------- Post added at 18:32 ---------- Previous post was at 18:27 ----------

Well done Suzie, keep on truckin' :yesyes:

Hey man, thanks for the kind words. It's definitely a slow-going improvement. My appetite is decent. It seems like it fluctuates a bunch, but nothing too crazy. I notice that I'm stress eating less, but I also tend to have a poor appetite at times, and sometimes an overactive appetite. Seems like the med is still adjusting in my system. And yes, insomnia is HORRIBLE.

02-05-16, 19:07
Oh I'm sorry to hear that Dani. Anxiety is such a nasty piece of work isn't it? Sneaky and vicious with the things it comes up with. Just remember they are just thoughts and they are not real, and it isn't the real you thinking those thoughts either, it is your poorly brain which is under a lot of stress, thus causing a malfunction. All will be well once you are better and back to your normal self. Keep your chin up girl!

03-05-16, 10:08
Yeah, my roommate is in the hospital for surgery, currently on inpatient bedrest, so we've been going to hang out with him everyday to keep him company. I'm actually starting to feel improvement, I think.

I'm sleeping fantastic since switching to Sertraline and even able to take naps during the day sometimes, without those damn jolts I experienced on the Citalopram.

I still have a lot of bad habits and such from the trauma of what I went through, namely constantly worrying about how I can't control ALL of my thoughts. I know this is something that is normal for everyone and we all have wandering thoughts, but it feels like the anxiety irrationally latched on and made this a fear because of all the intrusive thoughts I experienced during the intense anxiety.

Still working on this. But today is the first day that I am ALONE. I've made sure that I was always with someone for the last few months, because I was terrified to be alone with my thoughts.. And I had a little bit of intense anxiety when I had this realization earlier this morning, but I'm actually managing to cope alright which surprised the hell out of me.

I hope this is a step towards recovery and not just a tease! Sertraline has been amazing for me so far and I'm only on Day 6 of 25mg. I feel so much more stable. I'm not 100% yet, not even close, but the improvement is noticeable.

Glad to hear it Live! keep it up and stay strong buddy.


04-05-16, 01:08
Glad to hear it Live! keep it up and stay strong buddy.


Thanks, man. I'm trying! Today has been a rough day. I feel like I've fallen backwards. Just have a really depressed low mood, apathetic all of a sudden. Extremely anxious for whatever reason, too.. Feel like I could lose control at any moment, just very unstable feeling.

Trying to hang in there. I see my Psychiatrist tomorrow, gonna ask about raising the dose to 50mg.

04-05-16, 19:53
Start up on Sertraline is tough buddy, but SO worth it in my experience. Hang in there!!
I've been experiencing lots of depersonalisation lately, ouy of the blue and not sure why. But otherwise I'm remaining positive :)

06-05-16, 14:32
Day 10: They just upped my Sertraline to 50mg and Im actually having moments of clarity. Im able to sometimes distract myself and actually forget about the anxiety. Seems like Im up and down all day, but its better than always being down.

Still tolerating it much better than I ever did the Ciralopram. The only noticeable side effects are eyelid twitching, dry mouth, and feeling tired. Maybe a little bit of increased anxiety, but that has passed.

Heres hoping it isnt temporary.