View Full Version : Lower stomach vibration, extreme tightness and now lower back? Help!

01-05-16, 21:37

I'm looking for a little bit of help. Last year (around this time I think) I was taking propranolol and being treated for Anxiety. I attended college and was getting better. Around this time I started getting this 'buzzing' sensation in my legs when I looked down occasionally but also randomly throughout the day. It was easy to assume anxiety so I tried to let it go. It continued to happen. However it got worse. I also at that time lost my best friend (my little dog who has helped me through a lot of childhood things). I became agoraphobic and left college early and missed my sisters wedding as I was too panicked to go a distance. Fast forward to this year and my anxiety though still at agoraphobia level has slowly improved. However the buzzing took a new level. Whenever I walk fast up hill OR run upstairs I get a very tight feeling in my lower abdomen/groin area. So tight that I have to stop walking. Or it feels like something may burst, literally.

In February after a 999 call to A&E my dad was diagnosed with Cancer. We were told it is incurable, however he is being treated so we're extremely hopeful. It's only me who lives with him & I am his carer. I began sleeping on the 2 seater sofa in Feb so I was closer to him if needed. In April my best friend, Emma, died. She was ill for a few weeks and they eventually found cancer. It was too late and she passed away on the 13th. Since all this had happened i'm almost of edge. I guess they say it's normal to question your own mortality when someone close passes but I genuinely am worried this tightening could be something serious. When my dad was in hospital I ate very little & whilst I was weak I had NO tightness or vibrations.

The tightness (around middle of hips to lower groin area) feels internal. It has started happening when just home sitting still but less. I've discovered if I walk slow the vibration does ease but it only stops when I stop. Then I'm okay to walk again.

The only way to describe it is when you carry a LOT of shopping and you drop the bags, that feeling in your arms? It's that but below. But again, no pain whatsoever.

I went for a walk tonight and suddenly had to come home as I had a weird pressure sensation on my lower back. Something I have never had. I attempted to pop to the bathroom, incase it was anything but in that instance I would not know as my panic attacks set in and make me go anyway.

Anyone have any clue what this could be? :(

04-06-16, 15:30
WOW you have been through a lot. You need to take time to process all that has happened and be good to yourself. (Easier said than done.). You know the first thing that came to mind when I read your post is that when we are stressed, we do not breath deeply enough. Short, quick breathing (especially exercise) will lead to tension and pressure in all kinds of places as the muscles need oxygen to work. I don't know much about it (although I would like to for my own reasons), but maybe look into breath work for relaxation.