View Full Version : Sore ribs & breast discomfort driving me mad!

01-05-16, 21:42
I am driving myself sick with worry here. I know I have a fibroadenoma in my left breast which has always caused some degree of pain or discomfort but lately it seems combined with a general tender feeling in my ribs under and around the left breast. My doctor examined me only 5 days ago and couldn't feel any lumps or abnormalities in my breasts or ribs, but I know for sure the aches are real and not in my head. I have also had an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound earlier in the year which came back ok as I was having a lot of random pains in these places too. I seem so sensitive to pain and have wondered if I have fibromyalgia? I am my own worst enemy for googling symptoms which all seem to be cancer. Even though my doctor has said I seem ok I am worrying she has missed something like a breast tumour spread to my ribs. I know this seems extreme but my health anxiety is taking over my life. I can't bear the thought of dying and leaving my little daughter behind.
Does anyone think these body pains are just stress related? I don't know why they are just on my left side though :weep:
Thanks for reading:flowers: