View Full Version : Anxiety or epilepsy?

02-05-16, 01:52
I'm freaking out right now. I think I had a seizure I'm not sure. Last night I had my first experince with sleep paralysis so I've been extremely anxious and on edge. I just finished super and decided to lay my head and nap a bit. My mother called me in to take care of the dishes and I got up and felt like everything was in slow motion. My limbs felt like they were floating. It became hard to breathe and my muscle started to tense and I became extremely panicky. This all sounded like anxiety to me but I had to Google it for reassurance and it said all this is common with anxiety but then I scrolled open something with epilepsy. So now I started googling all the symptoms worrying if I have them and I saw them and there was. Deja vu, pain in chest lightheaded, body convulsions. I noticed that my stomach hurt, my chest was in pain and I felt so confused on what was going on. I started asking my parents if I was epileptic and they both laughed at me and my father told me he personally knows people with epilepsy and he said if I had a seizure I'd know it, but I can't convince myself this is just anxiety. I truly feel like my brain isn't working. I feel like I'm dreaming or losing my mind.

02-05-16, 02:37
Might be a panic attack. Sounds similar to what happens to me when I have one. It's most likely anxiety. It can do things to your body that you wouldnt believe. :(

02-05-16, 05:01
It honestly sounds like anxiety but my mind won't let me believe it's JUST anxiety. It has to be something worse.

02-05-16, 06:52
Seizures, people always think epilepsy. BUT what about Non Epileptic Seizures (NES)? ever heard of them? They occur in people without epilepsy and panic attacks are actually in that category? (maybe because of the panic attacks that end up in DP/DR?).

I knew someone who had a NES. He had been under a ton of stress for years, a lot self imposed, and he just dropped in a supermarket. He was referred to a neurologist who did the scans for epilepsy and ruled it out thus diagnosed a NES.

Have a read of what one of the major epilepsy charities in the UK says, Nick:


That's not a scary link but obviously ONLY read that page, the rest of the site will be for epilepsy. It's a very good description and you will see various references to anxiety, panic, depression, trauma, etc in there.

02-05-16, 13:54
NES is what I thought I'd have by reading all that I did on Google but I don't have any of those symptoms really. I don't pass out and neither does my body shake rapidly but I felt like everything was In slow motion and I kind of felt dazed and confused. It felt like a panic attack but scarier because of what I read on google.