View Full Version : Horizontal ridges on fingernails.

02-05-16, 03:53
These are called "Beau's lines" and I've been researching them the past month or so because I have them on my nails.

I know they can be caused by things like vitamin deficiencies and vascular problems and diabetes. But can mere stress/anxiety cause them?

Let me know if anyone here has them and what they're about in your experience.

02-05-16, 15:08
I have these on my thumbnails, never worried about them as I've had them for years and I think it's where I used to bite them really badly , I don't anymore but think it's from that

04-05-16, 03:43
Just recently got them on all my fingernails and they look pretty bad. Some are disfigured. One is peeling off while another is growing in "wavey". Hard to explain, but it's definitely a pretty big physical change. And everything I've read says they're serious. I've yet to find anything that suggests that it could be benign.

04-05-16, 19:27
I have them on my thumb nails just as you described. I think mine is from picking at my fingers so much. I read that trama to that area can do that.