View Full Version : Hyperglycemia fear

02-05-16, 11:05
Hi all, I'll start by saying I'm not diabetic. However, yesterday I did overindulge on Pepsi and sweets since it was my sister's birthday. I'm scared having so much sugar is harming me, especially because I don't usually have so much sugar. I haven't been able to sleep all night, still feel so jittery, and my arm has been hurting all night. I'm scared this is nerve damage from hyperglycemia and it's making me incredibly anxious.

Anyone else feel like this before?

02-05-16, 19:33
It won't be the sugar so much as the huge amount of caffeine you have had in the cola. Your body will deal with the sugar but releasing alot of insulin to bring it back to normal level but the caffeine has to be metabolised and this can take up to 12 hrs hence the incredible jitters.

Obviousy overdosing on sugar daily for a long time will put you at risk of type 2 diabetes but as I doubt you will be doing this alot its not a problem.

Once the caffeine hit wears off you should feel alot better but in future remember that high caffeine foods and drinks can make you feel incredibly anxious and jittery.

02-05-16, 19:44
I have hypoglycemia and its bloody awful. Ive had a terrible day with it today. I slept late till 11am so by the time I got up I hadn't eaten in about 14 hours. I felt really weak, exhausted, jelly legs, heart palps, hungry but couldnt eat. Felt out of it for hours, eventually ate this evening and afterwards felt very tired. My two sisters have it also and none of us are diabetics, but we suffer badly with hypo's.