View Full Version : Piles? Mortified

02-05-16, 17:50
Hi - I have a problem, I think it might be piles but I have scared myself stupid. I am 46 and going through perimenopause, lots of changes. I also have diagnosed fibroids with an enlarged uterus, no treatment required as no substantial blood loss or pressure symptoms.

I have had irregular periods for about 6 months, par for the course but thought I might be low in iron as some of them are heavier than usual. I started some Floradix liquid iron last week which isn't supposed to cause constipation. Well, in the last six months I have at times had mild constipation and some aching in my hip/coccyx and put this down to hormonal changes as everything was intermittant.

My current concern is that yesterday I had quite a painful time when I went to the toilet (BM) and about an hour later when to the toilet and a drop of blood from my bottom was there, it felt like a cut, but I was out and couldn't see anything. I figure it was from the BM earlier and I rubbed it with the toilet paper. Well it stung and felt just like a paper cut.

I have never ever looked at my anus (cant believe I am writing this) and completely freaked out as it is swollen, puffy and darker in colour to the skin around it. I googled (bad idea) and I think I may have hemmoroids/piles or cut myself. Because I don't know what I usually look like down there, I have sent myself off in panic that I should have checked before, that maybe the coccyx pain was actually my bottom and the bowel changes, although slight, are something I should have checked about.

I read that piles can come from sitting too long - I do sit a long time. I am totally mortified at the thought of going to the doctor and asking about this. I am also so scared of doctors and always fear they are going to tell me something has developed and is very serious requiring serious treatment.

Honestly I am completly freaked out that I don't know if my bottom looks normal or not, is in the realms of OK or not. Nothing on google looks similar, not even piles really. It's just like a ring but puffy all around the ring - sorry for information. I have passed a BM today and no problem at all, no more bleeding, but I do feel this pressure feeling (thought it was the coccyx) and I have had another look below and it still looks swollen but not as much. I wonder if I cut myself and it is healing.

I really do hate not knowing how to handle things I have not experienced, find it excruiatingly embarresing to ask and even more so to visit the doctor. If it is piles, do these go away? Maybe I have had them on and off, I read that during pregnancy they are common due to baby weight. I have not had children, but I do have large fibroids. Honestly, I really want a simple fix and for this to be a passing issue, I have had so much stress over changing periods, fibroids etc lots of health worries and I thought I had a handle on it.

Can anyone relate to any of this? Any suggestions of home remedies before I pluck up the courage (or not) to see a doctor. :scared15:

02-05-16, 18:32
I really wouldn't feel embarrassed about going to the doctor ,they have seen piles loads of times ( and much worse) I have not had them but my friend had them after having children and she used to use a cream to shrink them ( can't remember the name but it's available at the chemist). I would probably let the doctor have a look if you can just for your peace if mind.

02-05-16, 18:42
It is almost certainly piles. Bright red blood, swelling and soreness are classic symptoms. Bright red blood is normally of no concern as it indicates bleeding near to the anus, usually from piles or an anal fissure (small tear in the skin) it is dark blood that's a worrying symptom as it indicates bleeding from further up in the digestive tract.
I have piles, but mine are internal. Yours sound like they may have prolapsed and your doctor will be able to give you some cream to reduce them and stop the pain and irritation. Does your bottom itch as well?

02-05-16, 19:52
Thank you for replies.

I rationally know the doctor has seen it all - I think I am just feeling a bit overwhelmed with the issue and not knowing what it actually means in terms of whether they are here for life, what I need to do etc. Mind catastrophising I guess and also just fed up with health worry.

I don't really have any itching, yesterday I felt stinging/burning and today it just feels like I am more aware of that area, almost like I might need a BM. It feels quite sore when I wipe.

If I hadn't taken a look (why did I do that?!!) then I might have just thought it was a bit sore from the large BM yesterday. I think this series of symptoms has happened before, just not the spots of blood and the visual inspection.

I would like a magic wand to make it just go away :lac:

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

It is almost certainly piles. Bright red blood, swelling and soreness are classic symptoms. Bright red blood is normally of no concern as it indicates bleeding near to the anus, usually from piles or an anal fissure (small tear in the skin) it is dark blood that's a worrying symptom as it indicates bleeding from further up in the digestive tract.
I have piles, but mine are internal. Yours sound like they may have prolapsed and your doctor will be able to give you some cream to reduce them and stop the pain and irritation. Does your bottom itch as well?

Thank you for that info on the blood - yes, bright blood, just a couple of drops on the paper. Prolapsed sounds scary. I guess if they were inside and I had to strain they may have come out! OMG. No itch

03-05-16, 13:59
Update - I managed to get an appointment with the GP today. I hardly slept for anxiety about getting this seen and wondering if I would get an appointment today.

It was nerve racking and thankfully quick and easy. I have a fissure/tear caused by a large BM. The swelling is part of the healing process which could be a few days or weeks. No piles noted and nothing else untoward.

The GP was a locum and the nicest woman and doctor I have seen in a very long time. All in all a positive and confidence boosting experience. I am uncomfortable but hopeful and relieved this looks to be a short term situation.

Thank you for your interactions, it helps to write it down and share.

04-05-16, 15:24
Glad you managed to see a doctor and you are feeling better . At least now you know what it is and that it will heal. :)

19-05-16, 14:07
Let me say, I am personally amazed that you could even see your bum. I am not sure I could accomplish that. LOL! At any rate, I am 50, and still having regular periods, though I'm in perimenopause, and I have had issues with piles, both external and internal, as well as the occasional blood after a painful bm. Glad you are ok!