View Full Version : Today I'm mostly ok...

09-03-07, 22:10
Hi guys,

You might remember at the beginning of Feb I had loads of tests and procedures to 'look forward to'!!

Cervical smear: Result: Normal!!!
Mole Removal: Result: Normal!!!
Echo: Result: Normal!!!
Cardioligist: Says I need to stop worrying and get on with my life, called me a fit young woman (think i fell in love!)

I've lost over a stone in weight in the last month (mainly due to fact thought I was going to have heart attack at any minute) and I feel good for the first time in ages.
We are going on holiday next week too!

After twelve years of HA I know that sooner or later I'll be back to checking symptoms again, and have another illness to worry about.
But whether its two days or two months I'm gonna enjoy being free of it, 'cause thats the thing, people who are not affected by HA probably think that I waste my life and I need to pull myself together, but its actuallly the opposite, I love life, my family and friends so much; and I guess thats why HA affects me so much.

Thanks for the help and advice over last couple of months guys, I seriously don't know what I'd do without this site.
And I'll see you all again when I get back from my holi's,
Love Birdi xxx:yesyes:

10-03-07, 00:18
Aw thats really good news

Enjoy your holiday

love mandie x

10-03-07, 17:12
Great news and well done on getting everything checked out.

Have a fab holiday too.

10-03-07, 17:47
Smashing :D

Piglet :flowers: