View Full Version : Still can't kick this colon cancer fear :(

02-05-16, 18:39

You've probably seen me putting up a few posts recently things do seem to have gotten better, I went twice yesterday managed to finally get the harder piece out last night. Last night i had a burning, itching sensation and when i wiped there was a little bright red blood after i had a bm, also i wiped it again when it was stinging last night and there was a bit more bright red blood :(

Do you think this could have been caused by a cut or something maybe when i was straining/ on the lactolose I put some sudacrem where it was itching and burning and it seems to have gone today, no itching or anything like that but i keep having moments of completely freaking out googling etc, apparently a few people got cc in their 20's according to daily mail :(.

My bm's this morning i went in the morning and it wasn't loose it came out quite easily better than previous morning where i woke up running for the toilet, went again again came out in bits quite easily, then I'm constipated a bit again now :(.

I saw the doctor on Friday he just pressed my stomach and said it would resolve it self and he didn't seem bothered/ concerned.

Also what is meant by a change in bowel habit a one sided one like loose all the time or constipation all the time? or bits of each :(


02-05-16, 19:18
You have probably caused a tear from all the straining you've been doing. Sorry, I haven't read your other posts, why are you taking lactulose?

02-05-16, 19:25
It sounds like hemorrhoids or a fissure!! The bright red blood and itching are characteristic of classic hemorrhoids.

You don't have colon cancer. Seriously! What you need to do is get more fiber and water in your diet to help your stools come out easier.

02-05-16, 19:25
Okay, first off. Don't believe the Daily Mail. I had a huge HA episode because of them and their "cancer at 20's" fear mongering.

Secondly. The blood will be from either a cut, an internal fissure, or piles/hemmies. Don't worry. If it's bright red. Rest assured you're fine. I've been constipated for months now and i'm still waiting on a GI appointment. So i know how you feel. They pressed on my stomach too and didn't seem concerned. We just have to wait it out and do some dietary changes in the mean time. Drink plenty of water, eat plenty of fiber.

02-05-16, 20:01
You have probably caused a tear from all the straining you've been doing. Sorry, I haven't read your other posts, why are you taking lactulose?

Mojo, i posted on here recently if you look through my posts i took it for constipation which then put me in major fear and panic because my stools wouldn't go solid for a while and now I'm back to constipation :(. I just want it to go back to normal.

The gas and my loose stools have gone better now though

02-05-16, 20:02
I had this for about 3 years - on/off bleeding. I was too scared to go to the doctor for fear of being told I had cancer.

I went to the GP and he checked for me. He said there was nothing obvious and at my age (I was about 25) unlikely to be anything cancer-related, but if it would make me feel better he would have a camera put up at the hospital to make sure. I asked for that as I was so scared and just wanted to know. I was given some medicine to take in the AM (basically a laxative) and went to the hospital later that day. I thought it would be really embarrassing, but really it was very quick and the doctor and nurse assured me they'd been doing this same thing 5 times a day (at least) for years, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about. They'd forget me in a few days. Ha.

Once I'd had it done I could stop worrying about that, although, sadly, with me it was on to the next worry >.<

02-05-16, 20:58
Mojo, i posted on here recently if you look through my posts i took it for constipation which then put me in major fear and panic because my stools wouldn't go solid for a while and now I'm back to constipation :(. I just want it to go back to normal.

The gas and my loose stools have gone better now though

What's your diet like?

02-05-16, 21:07
Not the best If i'm honest :(, fruit and veg makes me gag apart from carrots, potatoes. If i haven't tried fruit in years, I've had this on and off though for probably 8 years but now I'm just scared that I've got cc

02-05-16, 21:35
Don't know what to tell you other than your diet is poor and you have diagnosed IBS (from a previous post). Two things that don't go together well I'm afraid.

You could always add a dose of Miralax to help things move along and stay regular. Other than that, the solution is obvious. It wouldn't hurt to treat your anxiety either.

Positive thoughts

03-05-16, 11:33
Went this morning but it still doesn't feel right :( just coming coming out normally but it feels like it's softer as it comes out but it looks normal consistency maybe it's the cut making it feel like that ?

03-05-16, 15:50
You're obsessing over your BMs waaaaay too much.

Not to mention, and I've said this too many times now, a doctor does not use the consistency of a BM to diagnose anything UNLESS its something very drastic i.e., you're not going for days or you are but its a drastic difference from normal (all watery etc.) and even then they don't make a diagnosis, they just run tests.

The constant anxiety, strain, stress, lack of proper diet, is making them the way they are. Thats your diagnosis, treat all 4 of those and I'm sure it'll clear up.

If you don't start facing your HA, acknowledging its there, then you'll still be stuck in the circle/cycle of fear its putting you in.

How about lets face the HA and send it away yeah? :)

03-05-16, 17:10
You're obsessing over your BMs waaaaay too much.

Not to mention, and I've said this too many times now, a doctor does not use the consistency of a BM to diagnose anything UNLESS its something very drastic i.e., you're not going for days or you are but its a drastic difference from normal (all watery etc.) and even then they don't make a diagnosis, they just run tests.

The constant anxiety, strain, stress, lack of proper diet, is making them the way they are. Thats your diagnosis, treat all 4 of those and I'm sure it'll clear up.

If you don't start facing your HA, acknowledging its there, then you'll still be stuck in the circle/cycle of fear its putting you in.

How about lets face the HA and send it away yeah? :)

Yes I know but it's hard to get over it. It's weird in the morning I go fine it feels loose or soft but it looks fine like normal when it comes out then sometimes only like chunks come out like 2 at a time feeling the same. Then I feel constipated then in the morning it's the same as previously described.

It's weird im fine for a bit then damn I just go into full
Blown panic mode. Had one just just went for something to eat with my aunty before work at a pub and I ate my burger and chips and it felt like my upper abdomen under chest was bloated couldn't burp for a while etc I was drinking coke though and was breathing a bit heavily before the meal as recently ive had a fear that the bloating sensation will come back. I had this last Thursday night aswell.

Friday morning I had like a knotting sensation in my upper abdomen all day felt terrible woke up in a panic though in the morning surely all this can't be anxiety.

Now worried I have stomach c or something wrong there now.

03-05-16, 17:27
Do you take any medication?

I had the same exact symptoms, I was 22 though, and found I needed to take an acid reducer like zantac. It got worse as my diet got worse and I had to take a PPI like omeprazole but after taking that it clears up just fine.

Sounds very very very much like GERD really which is treatable and curable with diet changes

03-05-16, 23:44
No I'm not never really had this before do you reckon it could be due to anxiety, I anticipate it happening everytime I eat now :(