View Full Version : Cannot stay asleep and constant dizziness

02-05-16, 19:01
Just to give you my background, about two months ago I started having odd symptoms, nervous in situations I usually wouldn't be, hand tremors and tingling feelings, slight dizziness and whatnot... Mornings would be especially hard and I'd feel weak. So I went to the doc after about a month ago and blood tests all normal, doc said I have anxiety and prescribed me Zoloft.

I'm very skeptical about meds so I didn't take it. Then two weeks ago, I had my first panic attack and it was absolutely traumatizing. I barely slept that night because I would feel that it was coming on again and again and was just in fear.

Since that day, I've been more panicky and anxious. I went to an urgent care the next day after the panic attack because I kept feeling it and they gave me Xanax. I took that and a day or two after the attack, I couldn't sleep at all because of the adrenaline type rush that would wake me up (tingly burning feeling sometimes) as well as the jerks. so I went to the psychiatrist and she told me to take Zoloft and also prescribed me Trazadone and Ativan. I also have constant dizziness after the attack. I know, I literally don't know how I'm even able to slightly function. I would be awaken by these rushes or jerks even when I would fall asleep during the day!

This is taking a toll on me and I just need to know if this is going to get any better and feel super helpless right now. No sleep, constant dizziness, all these symptoms... Please help.

02-05-16, 19:15
Have you started the Zoloft?

02-05-16, 20:31
yes, 1.5 weeks ago.

02-05-16, 22:50
In my experience, nothing is ever as bad as your first panic attack.

Once I could recognise the symptoms, particularly in the lead up to an attack, I found it easier to let it pass or even stop it happening (CBT helped me). When I have an attack, I'm exhausted for about a week then it starts to get better again.