View Full Version : Personal Trainer looking for advice

02-05-16, 20:37
Hello everyone, this is my first post.

I have been experiencing symptoms such as breathlessness, lumps in my throat, light headedness, chest tightness, palpatations, low blood sugar symptoms, blood pressure feelings in my head when I bend down or demonstrate an exercise and feelings of fainting while personal training my clients in a gym. This is affecting my job.

I ignored this until recently after working out I had pins and needles down my arms, along with the symptoms above and panic. A Mars bar chilled me out a bit but the attack returned later while out with family for a meal.

I tried to work out again today and this time pins and needles down my left arm accompanied by the symptoms above.

I love to train and train hard but it is interfering with my life now as I am scared I have a heart problem, diabetes etc.

Any advice will be appreciated.

02-05-16, 20:51
I would advise you to get checked out by your GP. If nothing shows up, then they are all classic symptoms of anxiety. I have had every one of them for over 20 years. Some things help like meds, or re-training your mind, there are tons of things you can try. In the end the best thing is not to freak out when you feel the symptoms, and learn to live with it as best you can. I've had many months with no symptoms, then suddenly out of the blue they return and each time is as scary as the first. Coming on here has been my lifeline. But, as I said, get checked out. I had the works done several times over the years, and always got the okay, so I know its just anxiety. Just knowing that it is NOT serious, helps a lot.

02-05-16, 22:07
Yes, please get the thumbs up from your doctor, then you can start to deal with the anxiety symptoms.

13-05-16, 14:04
Thank you for the advice. I went to my GP and he said he suspects it is anxiety but had my bloods done and an ECG. The nurse reported that both were OK apart from a lower resting heart rate of 59 but she explained it's normal for athletes. However I have yet to have feedback off my doctor as my appt is a few weeks wait.

Since then I have had more symptoms during work. Dizzy, short of breath, tight chest. Then again today bending down in the shower palpitations, dizzy, faint, short of breathe. I am scared that one day I will actually pass out and would like some feedback if these are just anxiety symptoms? I have never experienced these symptoms before so I am a little scared.

13-05-16, 17:17
Sounds just like anxiety to me. I also went to the doctors a month ago about my worries and had an ECG and blood work too. All of it came back normal she said and put me on an SSRI which I've been taking for over 3 weeks now. Everything you've mentioned though is classic examples of anxiety.

01-06-16, 12:34
Does anybody know if a resting ECG is sufficient to rule out a heart problem? My resting ECG was normal however when I exercise I have pain in my left chest and arm.

Gary A
01-06-16, 13:08
Does anybody know if a resting ECG is sufficient to rule out a heart problem? My resting ECG was normal however when I exercise I have pain in my left chest and arm.

That sounds like angina. However, if you're otherwise fit and healthy with a good diet, that makes angina less likely.

You may be experiencing anticipatory panic attacks, when you've experienced a panic attack in a certain place or performing a certain activity, and the brain starts to process this activity as dangerous. It's a very common form of panic.

I would be mindful of these symptoms though, and would possibly advise that your doctor puts you through some stress tests to monitor the function of your heart while active. Until you have a clear diagnosis on this I would be fairly careful with your workouts.

It probably is anxiety or panic related, but chest pain and unilateral tingling upon excersising should always be thoroughly checked out.

01-06-16, 13:15
The pins and needles might be from a pinched nerve. No big deal but that can be painful and pretty annoying. I like to throw a day in of stretching yoga And let my sore muscles relax and recoup. Make sure you drink a lot of water and eating properly. If your working hard and not eating enough that will make you feel weak and light headed.

01-06-16, 13:21
I have angina. I'm also old enough to have it ~lol~ A young fit personal trainer doesn't have a chance of having advanced heart disease or any other serious heart issue. The ECG would show problems and warning signs for further investigation.

The symptoms you describe are indicative of anxiety and being that your bloods were good too indicates your heart is well as it would also show potential risks as well as display enzymes of heart trouble (troponin). There are also many more warning signs to heart disease than some pain while exerting yourself.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
01-06-16, 14:26
I have angina. I'm also old enough to have it ~lol~ A young fit personal trainer doesn't have a chance of having advanced heart disease or any other serious heart issue. The ECG would show problems and warning signs for further investigation.

The symptoms you describe are indicative of anxiety and being that your bloods were good too indicates your heart is well as it would also show potential risks as well as display enzymes of heart trouble (troponin). There are also many more warning signs to heart disease than some pain while exerting yourself.

Positive thoughts

Ah, I didn't notice that I was actually responding to the OP. I thought this was another poster commenting.

Note to self, read things properly. :doh:

01-06-16, 15:01
Ah, I didn't notice that I was actually responding to the OP. I thought this was another poster commenting.

Note to self, read things properly. :doh:

Yeah dude you scared the shit out of me haha

01-06-16, 15:09
Are you taking any supplements ? I've taken plenty and the odd one can heighten anxiety symptoms a lot.

How much exactly are you training ? I've over done it to a ridiculous level in the past and found I couldn't breathe properly in the evenings. At other times when running way too much I developed terrible anxiety and didn't realise until I quit running for a spell and let my body rest and recuperate.

If you are over training AND worrying about things at the same time that's a lot for your body to cope with and you can start to notice these kinds of symptoms.

Rest does wonders though. I know you can't completely rest with it being your job but make sure you prioritise rest and get any worries off your mind. Your brain uses a huge amount of energy, couple that with an active job and lifestyle and you're on your way to redlining it a bit.

I'd notice after periods of rest from working out my mood would recover and improve dramatically. You don't realise how it affects you.

01-06-16, 15:09
I have angina. I'm also old enough to have it ~lol~ A young fit personal trainer doesn't have a chance of having advanced heart disease or any other serious heart issue. The ECG would show problems and warning signs for further investigation.

The symptoms you describe are indicative of anxiety and being that your bloods were good too indicates your heart is well as it would also show potential risks as well as display enzymes of heart trouble (troponin). There are also many more warning signs to heart disease than some pain while exerting yourself.

Positive thoughts

Thank you.

Gary A
02-06-16, 00:14
Yeah dude you scared the shit out of me haha

Sorry about that.

05-06-16, 00:23
Still getting these pains in my left shoulder, chest, neck, arm area. Tried going out for a dance, walking fast, and they come on. Ruined a night out with friends because I was afraid it was serious. Have another doc appt Monday.