View Full Version : Freaking out can someone help please

02-05-16, 21:18
Ok so about 2-3 weeks ago i noticed a lump like at the back of my neck but on the corner. Very soft and not really movable, put it down to muscular. Felt again tonight and stupidly googled and it says lymph nodes can be in this area.

Im now freaking out at ive been itchy and tired recently.

Bloods have came back ok and i was calming down but now im freaking out

02-05-16, 21:24
Ive had one of them for about 15 years. I freaked out too when I found it, but its harmless. My sis has one on her wrist, also harmless. Your bloods are fine, you are okay.

02-05-16, 21:28
Thanks Nikki, i keep telling myself its not hard (most ones to be concerened about are hard arent they?) And depending on what way i move my neck itll be more or less prominent (dont know if thats something to be concerned about or not?) its not really changed size in 2 weeks or so and when i first noticed it noone else could feel it. Just so worked up about it, dont know whether to contact gp or not, had him on fri and forgot to mention it

02-05-16, 21:31
Lots of people have them. Mine is not hard either or changed size. I think it is very noticeable. However, when I point it out to people they always say that they had never noticed it. They are very very common.

02-05-16, 21:35
What is it then? Is it a lymph node or a fatty lump or what? Sorry im just really worked up x

02-05-16, 21:37
my doc just said it was a lump of fat that attached itself to a gland

02-05-16, 21:39
Ah ok. I think ill try to get an appt with my gp just to put mind at ease, keep telling myself thered be an idication in the bloods but not helping :/ xx

02-05-16, 21:42
yes do that. then forget about it.

02-05-16, 21:42
If your bloods are normal that's a good sign.have u been to docs about it ?

02-05-16, 21:49
Think its best plan Nikki. Beckie4567, was at drs on friday but had totally forgotten to mention it but know where ill be at somepoint this week x

02-05-16, 22:06
Just go and put your mind at rest .