View Full Version : Caught in a loop.

02-05-16, 23:24
Hi, I seemed to have caught myself in a deadly loop of anxiety and depression. I've been canceling plans with friends lately. I haven't been wanting to leave the house. I know I should but I haven't left the house in a week. I just want to play video games and socialoze through that with others. These few weeks have been dreadful. I feel so drained. My self confidence is extremely low. I've gained some weight and I feel awful. I haven't shaved in a week as well. I'm 17 and I'm suppose to go out and be social with everyone. I usually love being social but I'm just so depressed. I feel so detached from myself and the world. DP is making me more anxious. My health concious mind has self diagnosed myself with Bi Polar, Avoidance personality disorder, epilepsy, diabetes. I always analyse my anxiety and I always think it has to be something worse. Something rare. I force myself to be social and I forget about everything and I feel fine but then I think about anxiety and I start to feel anxious and scared. I'm trying to think positively and be happy but damn it's hard. This forum is the only way I get to rant out my problems. I don't want people to think I'm crazy.

03-05-16, 06:50
You're not crazy but you do have anxiety and depression. Have you spoken to a doctor about this? Or even your parents?

03-05-16, 07:13
My health concious mind has self diagnosed myself with Bi Polar, Avoidance personality disorder, epilepsy, diabetes.

You understand more about bipolar than a lot of people, Nick. You know the difference between that and your experiences.

I posted on your other thread about the epilepsy. The link explains all about seizures anyone can have, they aren't always the ones an epileptic will have and people probably have mostly never heard of it, I know I didn't until I knew someone who had one.

Be careful with Personality Disorders. I can look at the list of all of them and see traits in quite a few for me but it's not all about criteria, it's also about minimum numbers of them and certain fundamentals that are required in al of them.

03-05-16, 20:43
Just a few minuets ago I experince what I'd assume was vertigo. I was watching my show on the computer and I looked away and it felt like the room was spinning and I was extremely dizzy. I closed my eyes and it went away. Panic insured right after. I try to think logically and it could be a number of things. I've been in front of a computer for 6 hours a day for almost 4 weeks now and I've been having ear aches and etc but my mind rushes to a brain tumor or something else.