View Full Version : Lost the ability to dream, will it return?

03-05-16, 05:33
Hi guys,

For the last 3/4 weeks I have not been able to dream like I used to. In my previous posts I mention a few issues I've been having with sleep so I am assuming that there is a link and I maybe developed bed time anxiety,

I still have dreams as in when I wake up I will know I have had a dream/dreams but don't really remember them, what I am missing is when I first get in bed and close my eyes, I used to be able to and enjoy 'starting a dream' as in before I fell to sleep.

Recently when I try this I can't hold an image in my head it just goes and i end up falling straight to sleep.

This was like my favourite part of going to bed I loved being able to lie there and dream of anything! I am wondering if it's likely stress and the night time anxiety can take this away

Does anyone have/had this and how long did it last


05-05-16, 16:31
You dream in the REM stage of sleep, if you are not getting to that stage, or that stage isn't as long as normal, you may not remember your dreams. Anxiety can affect sleep patterns and also memory. I would hazard a guess that this is what is happening.

If you are having issues with sleeping (I've not seen the other posts) you might be able to retrain yourself. I learnt a process in a stress management course.