View Full Version : Advice appreciated

dizzy daisy
03-05-16, 13:11
Hi all
You will all know from previous posts on having a hard time with tiredness/ fatigue at the minute. This happens more or less constantly. I did seem to improve a little but then got a virus and it's knocked me back down.
I've had bloods done recently which were ok.

I'm wondering if any of you know anything about adrenal fatigue or possible post viral or chronic fatigue and Gould share any thoughts or stories with me?

I'm trying to rest as much as possible, but also I'm trying to walk about etc too as I'm not sure what to do for the best- don't want to make it worse.

I'm also looking into different methods of treating chronic fatigue to see if that helps.

I'm not in any medication so it can't be that.

Thanks all xxx

05-05-16, 06:58
One thing I know is that stress is exhausting. When I was going through my most severe bout of stress, I was dreadfully fatigued every minute of the day. I do believe I had adrenal fatigue. It took months, but no doctor visits, and it eventually went away.

I suggest two things:

1. Be good and kind to yourself. Give yourself breaks, and limit exposure to stressful things as best as you can. However...

2. Don't eliminate stress completely from your life, as then it will be harder to cope with later. I did this and it did me no favors. Instead, try to find the root of your stress and conquer it. I suggest a good and patient therapist.

Never give up hope. The adrenal fatigue will get better. And go ahead and walk...if you're going to be tired anyway, you might as well enjoy yourself.

Also, eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. And chia seeds. All great for your cells, and in turn great for your energy levels.

05-05-16, 07:31
Very good advice above.
I have been told I might have adrenal fatigue. I get very tired at times. Also I feel flu-ish for weeks at a time.
I was told to take vitamin C 1000mg, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium and Vit B co.
Also try to eat natural whole foods only. Drink plenty of water. Walk for exercise .

It takes quite a while until you feel better so be patient and kind to yourself and rest when your body tells you too.

Each time I have a flare-up of anxiety its immediately followed by these symptoms.

I'm told its due to long periods of panic and anxiety and my body producing too much adrenaline.