View Full Version : Really trying hard to but what can you do to ignore pains?

03-05-16, 13:49
HI people, I'm finding it quite hard to do normal stuff as my head soreness is always there. I take tablets to ease it but it still niggles.
I have head pains, sore scalp and neck, so it is difficult to ignore when it's the upper part of your body as you use it so much.
I know it sounds silly, I'm just trying to relax and do some light exercise but when my head and neck is sore its not so easy, although it probably would help the tension.
Any tips to help me through as I go on holiday at the weekend? :unsure:

03-05-16, 15:58
Do you have headaches at all? Perhaps a massage?

Posture is everything, slouching over a keyboard, not standing up straight, sitting almost all day. Staring into a monitor etc. These all put stress onto the neck and therefore cause exactly what you are describing: Scalp, neck and head pain.

If it gets too painful try using some ice on the neck and perhaps light massage to the neck while lying down. Try to not hunch the shoulders when sitting or working. Use a straighter posture where the head, neck and spine are lined up straight down.

03-05-16, 16:54
Hi Holds, yes to all of those, I have neck pain and shoulder pain. I work from home so it means time on the computer, which is bad for posture as you say.
I haven't tried ice, only heat on the neck, I shall try that though and let you know, I'll try anything as I'm sick of the fear and worry. Thank you.

03-05-16, 17:30
Awhile back I'd be on my computer at night and would wake up with a stiff neck. I thought forsure meningitis or cancer etc. based on my HA obviously.

I then realized my posture was bad and my chair wasn't helping at all. I switched to a more expensive but ergonomic chair and that never happened again.

Pain due to posture is very very common and can usually be changed by a simple fix like mine, a chair change, or just stretching every so often.

There is a type of stretch that you can do to get rid of the scalp pain quick. I don't remember what it is but I used to do it. You can probably find it on youtube though.

03-05-16, 20:47
Yes my posture isn't so good as I sit on a normal chair whilst working. I do try and get up and move but I get tensed up a lot.

What do you think I should search for to find the stretch exercise for the scalp? I'll certainly try it as my scalp tenderness is one of the worst parts of this sinus infection or whatever it is.