View Full Version : Nitrates\nitrites in urine ?????????

03-05-16, 14:28
Hi all

Been needing to wee a lot for the past week, we nt to drs who dipped urine, she said it was murky and had traces of nitrates or nitrites- I'm not sure which one as I only found out they were 2 different things when I left and googled 🙄 long story short I'm trying to ask do nitrates show up in a dip test? I know nitrites do if there is infection but not sure which one showed up in mine. She said there were no obvious signs of a uti but gave me antibiotics anyway.

Sorry for my mad rambling and hope someone understands what I'm asking.xx

03-05-16, 23:01
Uti is normally white blood cells and nitrates I think that is what I had and had an infection praps u had the start of one the tablets shud clear it up.