View Full Version : twitchingand trouble speaking

03-05-16, 14:40
Hi everyone

i am having twitches/tremors allover, im getting it really bad at my kidney, as if its going to rupture

alsoc does anyone else have trouble speaking? like their tounge is nervous and i just find it an effort to speak now

these symptoms are scarey, it must be ms or something ? i have had anxiety for over 10 years and never had these symptoms

05-05-16, 16:24
Nope, it's anxiety. I've had the same. It felt like all the words i wanted to speak all wanted to come out at once in a stuttering mess! The twitching is mainly in my eyelid, but I get them everywhere else, pretty much; including the kidney area.

If they are new symptoms for you then go and get them checked out to try and give you some peace of mind.