View Full Version : SLEEP!!! DESPERATE - Adrenaline rush and weird feelings

03-05-16, 15:09
Since my first ever panic attack happened 2 weeks ago, and my life has been so hard ever since. Have any of you had rushes in your body with warm tingling feeling like its going numb and/or hypnic jerks(?) that would keep you from sleeping? I CANNOT sleep... I am so tired and fall asleep... but awakened by this RUSH in my body with wierd sensations. EVERY TIME I TRY TO SLEEP. I haven't slept in almost two weeks now... I'm so helpless and fearful because of this.

I also have 24/7 dizziness.

These are the main two that are killing me right now. I have other symptoms but they are nothing compared to these.

I just want to be normal again... It's devastating right now.

03-05-16, 15:11

Yes i have these plus about another 100 symptoms, its like a rush through your body for 2 seconds and it scares you but goes away, i have had them for years so dont worry its just anxiety

03-05-16, 15:41
did you have them every time you were sleeping though?

i need sleep but i can't because of this and it's driving me insane. sorry i'm just so lost right now. sleep is key for anxiety to get better, but i can't even do that because it's blocking me from sleeping. I had maybe an hour last night... even naps don't work for me because of this... anyone have major sleep issues because of this?

03-05-16, 15:45
It's very common.

The only thing you can do is try and ignore it. When I get it I have to get up and walk around for a few minutes. My heart rate tends to spike massively when I do but it's the only thing that gets rid of it.

Your worry about it feeding the re-occurrence, but you need to keep telling yourself it only feels bad. It's not going to hurt you.