View Full Version : SLEEP problems after panic attack - Please help!!!

03-05-16, 15:50
Did anyone have sleep issues after their panic attack?

I had my first panic attack two weeks ago, and since then have been getting NO SLEEP. not because i don't want to, but because i can't STAY asleep. As soon as I would drift off, I'd get this weird sensation maybe like adrenaline rush feeling and feel all tingly and warm. This would then wake me up and sometimes with a jolt/jerk. there were nights i got 0 sleep... it's actually really bad and need any suggestions on what i need to do or take.

would this be a side effect of a med? I was prescribed a xanax the day after the attack because i kept feeling it coming back. i started taking zoloft too... but not sure what is going on. so lost and need any help or words of advice. thank you.

I have two little babies and have to work... I need to get better. I can't live like this... no sleep, 24/7 dizziness and a lot more physical symptoms. I am physically and emotionally drained. Please help, anyone.

03-05-16, 16:12
I can relate to this, the week after my panic attack I had the jolts, where I'd just wake up.

I am not too familiar with how this works but I had it explained to me like this, when you are ready to rest, your body releases hormones to help you rest and therefore the adrenaline decreases. However a large amount of trauma and adrenaline release can cause the nerves to be in shock and have excess cortisol therefore sending the shocks and causing you to wake up since the body is still getting over the shock of the trauma.

There were nights i didn't get any sleep at all. Anti-anxiety pills do help quell the anxiety but the adrenaline can cause some nerve problems for a small while after.

Its best to meditate, address the panic attack as only a single time occurrence and that it won't hurt you or bother you again.

Exercise is also a great way of getting rid of the excess cortisol and helps you sleep. I did this before and it helped quite a bit.

Magnesium supplements work too but be sure to discuss supplements with your doctor/nurse if you feel the need.

Mostly though the jolts will fade away with time.

Stick to NMP and try to find someone to talk to that understands what you're going through, this helped me immensely when I went through this and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone suffering this.

03-05-16, 20:14
I find that having a hot bath & then going immediately to bed helps. As the body cools down it encourages your mind/system to drop off.