View Full Version : Awfull setback

03-05-16, 17:20
Hi can anyone help I have been quite well for about two months ,then just over two weeks ago I started to feel anxious only slightly but since then it seems to feel much worse .I have had setbacks before but this seems worse .Can anyone tell me if they have been like this and how long it took before you felt better
Kind Regards to you all

03-05-16, 17:41
I get these all the time, few good months, that bang, back to anxiety. it's horrible, and meds don't seem to have helped.
Are you taking any meds? Is this the first time this has happened to you?

03-05-16, 17:46
Thank you so much for answering I take sertreline 100 m I have had setbacks but this seems worse than the original problem I have been feeling really panicky the last two days Kind Regards

03-05-16, 17:56
Yes, I too get times like this.

13 years of anxiety and it still surprises me and freaks me out the same as it ever did. In saying this though, anxiety does become easier to deal with and face the longer you have had it, when you truly understand that a setback can just be seen as a temporary glitch, that will pass just like they have passed before.

I think I have only had one time like yours where the anxiety came back really badly, a couple of years ago. I had it about as severely as I had it before I started meds, with depersonalisation and the full monty. I couldn't understand it as I had been on meds for years, but sometimes it doesn't take much to trigger a bad bout of anxiety again. I think it took me a couple of weeks or so to start feeling myself again, with a lot of distraction techniques and trying to keep busy through it.

Have you been stressed or upset recently? Overly tired? Had some worries or things on your mind? These things can create anxiety flare ups again.

Try if you can not to cave into it. It is hard, I know, but try to tell yourself that you have been here before, and though this one is a bad one, it too will pass. xx:hugs:

03-05-16, 18:10
Thank you so much for that I to have suffered from this for years it has been very prolonged the last four years to do with a big life change.This has knocked me for six it started of two or three weeks ago just slightly then gradually got worse I managed ok till today thanks for your help Regards Rose

04-05-16, 08:43
Going by way it has happened to me, it will pass, just horrible when it keeps coming back