View Full Version : Update - health anxiety is a fckwit

03-05-16, 18:06
A family friend has been diagnosed with terrible news yet I still allow my anxiety to take pride spot.

I have been feeling good. Not scared of freckles, not checking. I was away for the weekend and felt so relaxed; proves I'm ok(ish) when distracted.

Because I feel achey, have a feeling in my armpit, have twitches in back I'm worrying about brain cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma and God forbid my melanoma fear is still lurking. I look at freckle and wonder if ivr always had it. Sometimes I'm like yeAh, chil. Other times I'm not sure so go through photos and check. Yes, I have. I've never had a fear before but this is the worst because I see them!

I have been referred for CBT but nothing in post yet. I'm 25, never in the sun, two hot holidays ever and then was covered up, sun lotion and or clothes. I don't want to fear my bloody skin.

Overall I am feeling better. I've been doing that CBT thing of writing fear and what I did so thanks Tery for that.

03-05-16, 22:41
I am still waiting the letter for therapy to start. I'm also currently worrying about 5 different diseases and illnesses. Does anyone else read or hear about someone who has/had something, Google then diagnose. Right now I'm worrying about PE because my chest feels mildly tight. An hour ago I was worrying about a stroke because my neck clicked...

If someone is free for a chat i would be grateful.

03-05-16, 22:55
I am still waiting the letter for therapy to start. I'm also currently worrying about 5 different diseases and illnesses. Does anyone else read or hear about someone who has/had something, Google then diagnose. Right now I'm worrying about PE because my chest feels mildly tight. An hour ago I was worrying about a stroke because my neck clicked...

I was definitely heading down this road not so long ago. Then I managed to wean myself off Google, but I would still be on here asking about things I might have previously Googled.

Then I realised how I would never find the answers I needed on the internet. I'm more-or-less back to my old self in this area now. I don't want to know about any more diseases.

I can'y recommend enough stopping Googling. It never helps.

03-05-16, 23:46
Oh I was there I promise, for a good four days ha. I was even like pah, what was I worrying about. It was almost because I was taking controls the anxiety didn't like it and threw a few at once. Like this contrCeptive pill. That triggered it off (another post) like DONT TAKE THIS PILL YOU WILL DIE & holy shit I take these pills. It's shit that I don't have full control yet.

---------- Post added at 23:46 ---------- Previous post was at 23:27 ----------

It's that 'what do I do with self when not worrying and not distracted' i am so used to worrying so occasionally I worry too much then get physical symptoms and then worry about them! Sigh!