View Full Version : Migraines and abnormal blood test results

03-05-16, 18:28
I went to the doctor about migraine-esque headaches and a blood test was taken on Thursday. I called for the results today and the receptionist has told me that two doctors have checked the results and they would like me to make an appointment to speak with one of them. The abnormal results are FBC and one beginning with "S" that I can't quite recall because I sort of freaked out after the conversation. I think it might be the ESR one. I was already convinced it would be something awful and now I'm even more convinced. I go to sleep every night worrying that I won't wake up in the morning. I have two little girls and my partner leaves the house at 4/5am for work, so I panic because I know I'm all alone if anything happens. It's such a horrible feeling. I have to call in the morning to make an appointment for that day or to ask the doctor to call me back and I'm really scared.

Any advice or words of comfort would be greatly appreciated! X

03-05-16, 18:57
If you have any sort of infection from having had a cold to a water infection then your esr and parts of your fbc will be raised. They both show signs of inflammation and infection. If your esr was exceedingly high they would be sending you to hospital not asking you to make an appt to discuss!

Its almost certainly not being caused by anything nasty. Have you had any signs of infection in the past month as this could explain the results..