View Full Version : Sick of HA!!

03-05-16, 19:40
Would anyone else be worried if you had bloods done LFT, FBC,inflammation, hormones, thyroid, u&e's and had abnormal hormones and high ALT (part of liver test) all the rest were ok. They think i am menopausal and that's why the hormones were raised and i get my liver bloods done again on friday. I am scaring myself that i have OC and it's spread to my liver. Trying to reassure myself that my FBC and inflammation were normal. Got a right side back ache and convincing myself it's my liver. I hate HA, thought i had it under control until the last month :scared15:

03-05-16, 20:32
No advice but im the same, HA suuuuuuucks!!! Hugs xx

03-05-16, 21:10
I replied to your previous post on this and guess you are wanting more reassurance?

Abnomral liver tests are very common due to alot of non sinister reasons which is why they are retesting because in all probability they will start to improve - I think you are also having an ultrasound scan as well soon? AGain this is just to tick off lots of other reasons as well.

As I said hormone tests are completely unreliable as they are only testing the day they take the blood and if you are approaching menopause then they will literally change daily.