View Full Version : MS fear...I can't walk when I stand up

03-05-16, 20:52
Hello I'm 42 years old & have been experiencing random visable twitching for over 2 years I have had heal pain for about 4 years on one foot ...I've had 5 steroid injections as the Dr said it was planta facscitis. .but these injections simply don't cut it and my pain continues ..I've can't walk if I've been sat still I hobble ..mornings are bad I'm stiff and I am absolutely scared stiff all this random twitching and heel pain are indeed a symptom of something like MS it's worrying me so much...anyone else out there experienced this ? My twitches make my toes move my tummy move calf's twitch also now the backs of my calves ache so much they never uses to...

03-05-16, 21:07
thinking sideways on your pains - have you had your spine scanned as all your pains could be coming from a spine problem. I have herniated lumbar discs and get pain in my heel plus twitching in my leg muscles. At present I have dreadful sciatic and back pain on left side after my lower back literally siezed up twice 6 weeks ago and am due an mri in 10 days to see if a disc had collapsed further.

Plantar fascitis nearly always responds even for a short time to steroid injections so if yours hasnt at all this would make me question the source of the pain.

MS would give you neurological deficit for example losing control of your legs or actual numbness or sight problems etc and you don't seem to have actual neurological deficit.

Can you go back to your GP and ask if your problems could be spine related?