View Full Version : Do other people's posts trigger you?

04-05-16, 02:04
I want to start by saying I think it is great that there are websites where people can connect and talk, as we know, it can be hard to talk about our anxiety in real life, as most people don't have anxiety disorders. I suffer from OCD and so my brain tends to get stuck on one particular fear- hiv. However, I also have health anxiety and other health related fears. Reading some of these posts really triggers me. There are things I have never even heard of that I read, google, and then feel as though I must go get checked now. Does this happen to anyone else? Unfortunately my OCD has its grip really tight on me so I can't focus much on other things, but if I do get distracted I don't want it to be about other illnesses. This is so exhausting! :weep:
Also, what effect does anxiety have on the brain and body? If stress isn't good for you, I can only imagine that having severe and constant anxiety attacks can be damaging as well. Would the worrying get better by staying busy? Getting a job?

04-05-16, 03:50
Hi!! Unfortunately long term stress & anxiety not only cost you precious moments of your life (ie. Enjoying your time instead of panicking and googling) but it also puts you at risk for actual diseases later on. You can't get HIV from stress but you can get heart disease. But obviously this is wayyyy down the line. It's not sudden and takes decades to develop. This is why it is important to nip your anxiety in the bud now. Stay busy! Stay off Google and try to find hobbies or activities that you enjoy. Less screen time equals more quality activities that will engage your body & mind, therefore decreasing your stress levels. Write a journal, do yoga or any exercise you like, start blogging about something you have a passion for, start taking classes, volunteer or get a job. Just stay busy & happy!!

04-05-16, 07:55
I believe some will say yes and some will say no but the evidence suggests definitely yes.

All one need do is look at the patterns that develop on the HA boards. Node posts, mole posts, cancer posts etc. or when a disease hits the news (ebola anyone?).

Positive thoughts

04-05-16, 10:00
they do in a way that most people posting on these boards have far lesser symptoms/signs than myself, and they are already scared over them, so it fuels my fear.

04-05-16, 10:35
Yup, i am the classic read about it worry about it person. I read about something yesterday and today feel the symptoms. Moles most definitely too.