View Full Version : Uti?? Needing to wee......alot

04-05-16, 17:57
OK this is getting on my nerves now, since last weds I have needed to wee more than normal, my bladder never feels quite empty, Ive been to the drs twice first time urine was clear 2nd time she said there was no obvious signs of an infection as there were no white blood cells but the was a trace of nitrites, she sent my sample off and in the meantime gave me antibiotics which I am due to finish tomorow - they have made no difference 😕 I still need to go all the time and have cancelled plans because of this. I am trying not to let horrible thoughts creep in bit they are maybe I have something pressing on my bladder? 😫 I'll go back Friday if there's still no change . its debilitating. Any experience or advice would be great.x

04-05-16, 21:09
I feel as though I don't want to give the wrong advice as I am not a medical professional. Only you know your body and you know how often you're going. I feel that with people with health anxiety, it is hard to give advice cuz I don't know if it is just the anxiety or something more. I notice that I urinate a lot more frequently whenever I am nervous or have awful anxiety. I too wonder sometimes if this is normal or if there is something else underneath it all. Hope you get it all cleared out!

04-05-16, 21:26
I have also had similar issues. In early March I started to get back and side pain (kidney area) and a feeling like a gentle pressing on my bladder making me need to urinate more along with pain in my groin area. I went to the doctor, had a urine sample but it came back negative. The need to urine frequently has gone but I still have the lower back and side pains. They have done blood samples - all seems ok and now I am going for an xray as they think I may have a back injury. Its all starting to drag on a bit now.

15-05-16, 15:24
Thanks for your replies. I ended up having to back twice after for different antibiotics as urine was still showing infection and symptoms still bad. Finished 2nd lot of antibiotic on tues evening, still had same symptoms so went back but this time urine came back clear. Felt fine for 2 days and now today it's started again ��. I am now drinking over 2 litres of water a day and taking d-mannose powder in the hope to get rid of it. The feeling of needing to wee all the time is mentally and physically exhausting ��

15-05-16, 18:59
I had similar problems last year. It took 3 lots of antibiotics to clear it. even after the infection was gone i had symptoms. I have heard that it can leave your bladder irritated for months and you can have UTI symptoms even though you're better. Sometimes your pelvic muscles react to the infection and make you think it's still there. Sure you'll be fine xx