View Full Version : what to do when you feel the urge to check ?

04-05-16, 19:18
after doing good with health anxiety since December it has now came back in fool force tbh I think its from all these cancer storys on tv programme . if its not prodding my breasts everyday for lumps or spending hours looking checking all my moles or checking for blood everytime I go to the bathroom ( cervical cancer fear) . does anyone have any tips how to distract yourself for a while when u get that urge . all us with HA know the felling of the urge am talking about. actually have it right now that's why am posting this :(

04-05-16, 19:27
Ugh! Following this because when I'm obsessing I can spend forever checking. :/

04-05-16, 19:34
Holy moley (pun intended) I need to know the answer to this. Everything from breats lumps, lymph nodes, yes ahem discharge, moles (!!!!!!) and other things. I read about breast cancer again just and God forbid I gave in the urge to check.

04-05-16, 19:41
I have obsessive thoughts, not actions.
I don't know how to stop and it makes me feel sick.
CBT has not helped me.
Wish I had an answer for you.

05-05-16, 05:56
I don't know if you're religious, but sometimes prayer is the only thing that truly brings me back to a calm and peaceful state.

Another option is to confide in someone, especially a friend or family member who knows you and can reassure you that you're being irrational.

Keeping struggles inside is often the worst poison for me.

05-05-16, 15:35
:doh:I'm having this at the moment :( if I'm out I'm desperate to get home to check myself

05-05-16, 16:20
I have been good up to the last few days but had a major relapse been checking my skin all the time and checking my testicles. I am scared once again of the big c word, even though my blood test came back clear because I have a condition called NF so need to check it every year. its moles/skin cancer as well I am worried about.

I think it what Good Morning Britain/Lorraine check your chaps awareness a couple of weeks ago.

I tried CBT a few years ago but did not work, not sure whether it was the person I saw, but it made me feel worst. Also trusting others