View Full Version : Seriously!!!!!

chatty girl
04-05-16, 19:27
I'm sure everyone here knows of my ongoing bowel cancer fear at the moment but now my body has decided to give me something else to worry about too!!

I hadn't paid much attention to it but had noticed my urine is rather yellow today, bright yellow not dehydrated yellow, I just thought I've not been drinking much I guess, then my husband's mentioned it! Now I'm obsessed and convinced its got to be something to do with bowel cancer!!!! Plus I was just sitting happily on the sofa when I came over really dizzy!!!

Omg I'm actually going to go crazy soon!!

Funny thing is I actually said to my hubby early this morning that I actually feel ok today! Yeah good one!!!!!!

What do you think guys????


07-05-16, 09:07
Hi Chatty!

Been there done that. Isn't it absolutely amazing what our minds can do to our bodies. I went through the bowel cancer thing. Totally convinced. Yellow urine. Couldn't poop. Doc said I was full of shit - literally. Had a CT Scan of the abdomen and that's what it showed. Started with the psyllium and everything is "going" fine. Get yourself checked but mainly for reassurance. Change your lifestyle a bit if need be - diet/exercise. But most of all chill - not sure what chill means in the uk but it means relax in the us.

Captain irrational
07-05-16, 10:23
Bright yellow urine is caused by vitamin B. It is not a sign of anything sinister, it simply means you are getting plenty of vitamin B in your diet (perhaps more than enough, that's why some of it is being passed in your urine), which is good.

07-05-16, 11:17
Yes I had the bowel cancer fear and like Noivous was told I was full of poop, the only thing I got told I had a possibly of a small pouch which os normal and 2.5% of the population has it, if it was big and causing me problems I could have had keyhole

Don't google, don't read articles, see your doctor.