View Full Version : Ultrasound today, scared of what I saw

04-05-16, 19:49
Hi guys. I've had a very rough few months and have had a lot of tests. Since February I've had: lots of blood work, chest x-ray, MRI of the brain, more blood work which showed severe iron deficiency, colonoscopy, endoscopy, pap smear, and today a transvaginal ultrasound.

So far everything has come back relatively normal other than the anemia.

I've had a lot of lower abdominal pain lately, near my hips and shooting pains on the left side. I also get groin pain and lower back pain that goes down my legs. I've been told in the past that I have ovarian cysts. The last time they told me that was in November when I had a miscarriage. They didn't suggest doing anything about them though.

When I had my ultrasound earlier, I was looking at the screen and the tech was measuring my ovaries and what I'm assuming are cysts. What scared me is she measured two small round white things that were inside the cysts, like on the edge of it. I googled (ugh) and saw a few images that looked similar and they ALL said ovarian cancer. Now I'm just feeling so hopeless and doomed. The tech didn't say anything other than "the doctor will take a look and you should get the results in the next couple of days". The end.

What in the world were those white things?! Everything I've read says if it shows black on an ultrasound, it's nothing to worry about. When it mentions solid or white, it doesn't sound good at all.

I've been feeling so bad and unwell lately, I'm sure that there is something horrible going on. I can't accept that a person can feel this way and not have something scary going on.

05-05-16, 02:05
Nothing, guys? No one has seen anything like this on their ultrasound?

05-05-16, 04:49
With respect, you have no idea what you're looking at or for. You saw something and interpreted it as sinister because of your HA and fed the negativity with Dr. Google. If anything is sinister it's negative thoughts and Dr. Google! Leave the interpretation and reading to the experts. I know it's challenging waiting for results but you'll know soon enough.

Positive thoughts

05-05-16, 20:19
I know I'm not a professional, but I've had enough ultrasounds to know that what I saw isn't what I typically see. So that's why it alarmed me. And then googling it and finding images that resemble what mine looked like saying "cancer" is very frightening. I feel so poorly lately that it would make a lot of sense if something was terribly wrong.

It's hard for me to calm down when I'm feeling so unwell. I also have two young children that I could never bear to leave.

Thank you for trying to talk sense into me.

05-05-16, 21:45
I have never looked at my ultrasounds as I know I would just panic. All I can say is that if you were in UK then if it is anything sinister your Dr would be on the phone to you very very quickly.
My friend has just been treated for lung cancer and a routine chest x ray for a rib fracture showed up 2 nodules and the very next day her Dr was phoning her, not to say she had cancer as they cannot say that without a biopsy but to say there were 2 very suspicious nodules and she was given appt for other tests.
You can get complex ovarian cysts that can have weird bits of tissue in them like hair etc:huh: which would show up strangely on ultrasound as well. There really could be lots of innocent reasons for what you saw.