View Full Version : Brain Tumour Fears

04-05-16, 20:46
HA has been kind to me the last few weeks, have been very calm and no worries until now.. Back with a bang!

Last week I got a sharp pain in the right side of my head around my temple and eye, I looked down at my phone and then to the TV and it came on, it was only for a few seconds then it went, It then came back two days ago in the same sort of place but was not as bad, it lasted a few minutes then went, this is when my HA came on really bad and my head started to go really funny like it was about to explode and it was really hard to think straight. My head felt like that for round about an hour then I calmed down and felt fine, it has been fine until this evening, I went out to do some hill sprints as I am really into exercise, on my 6th sprint the headache came back in the same spot, not bad but felt like a pulling/pressing type feeling so I stopped and went home, the headache has now gone again but my anxiety has come on and making my head feel strange again. I done the one thing I shouldnt of done and know I should not to... Google! One symptom for a brain tumour was getting severe headaches when doing exercise now I am convinced I have one!

Does this sound like a tumour or just anxiety?

04-05-16, 20:49
Cancer in an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

If this were a tumor that has grown to the point of causing pain, the pain would be persistent and unrelenting.

Positive thoughts