View Full Version : Why is it never ending :-(

04-05-16, 21:17
I'm in such a state today why is it that when one lot of symptoms die down that you been fretting about for God knows how long then you get something else.

First of all my cousin got appendicitis then I started getting pain in my right side so immediately I thought I had the same was in a state about it for a while and lately been good.

Then last week my other cousin gets diagnosed with gallstones and has to have her gallbladder removed now I have upper tummy discomfort and and back pain I just can't keep going on like this it's tearing me down and I'm so scared all the time that somethings wrong with me and it's draining..

Just fed up :(

05-05-16, 06:12
What you must keep in mind is this: just because a disease exists does not mean you have it, or that you'll ever have it.

I have had to remind myself of this many times. It's very true.

If you want more control over your own body's health, incorporate whole foods into your diet and reduce processed foods. This not only has decreased my health anxiety by a ton, it has dramatically improved my health and general wellbeing. I highly recommend it.

08-05-16, 20:03
I feel your pain...it sucks :(