View Full Version : Brain tumor worry

04-05-16, 21:29
I am struggling again. Just feel like giving up. Life is too hard for me. So now my big worry is of course a brain tumor. I have felt dizzy, not myself, headachy for a couple of weeks. My vision if fine, and I can't say I'm having headaches, just this constant light headed feeling. Can anyone help me relax? I've tried the cbt and am still struggling. Anyone else out there like me?

05-05-16, 10:26
Based on what you say, nothing points towards brain tumor. They are usually aggressive and come up with serious symtoms in a short time frame. Sounds typically stress and anxiety related, I wouldn't worry at all. :)

But of course if it bothers you, a visit to the doctor to talk about it wouldn't hurt.

08-05-16, 20:00
I have the same worry about a brain tumor. I've been feeling a lot pressure in my forehead and around my eyes, and kind of like a foggy sort of feeling.

I've unfortunately convinced myself it's something horrible despite not having any of the tell-tale symptoms like severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, vision/hearing/personality changes, and so on.

I've been on another forum where a lot of people experienced the same thing and it seems like it could be allergies.