View Full Version : brain aneurysm

04-05-16, 23:35
I swear as soon as I rule out one possibility for my symptoms, another immediately pops up in its place. Right now I am terrified I have an aneurysm that has ruptured and is slowly leaking blood into my brain.

This stems from the fact that there is one spot near the back right side of my scalp where I get localized random pain and sharp sudden headaches. Only in this one spot, nowhere else. I forgot that about 5 years ago, I was hit in the head with a metal swing that someone flung at me in the park. It hit me right there in the spot that always hurts and I'm pretty sure all the weird vision stuff I started experiencing that I have always thought had something to do with my anxiety started around that time.

The entire past month, I have felt completely out of it and so exhausted its like I'm dreaming constantly and nothing feels real. I am literally exhausted all the time. I have been waking up in the middle of the night with my left arm completely dead for no reason and I feel like I'm losing the hearing in my right ear. This whole last month was extremely stressful so maybe I'm just mentally exhausted and worn out or something but the pain in my head has been going on for at least 6 months now, maybe a little bit less. The head injury I sustained about 5 years ago in that spot didn't knock me out or give me a concussion or anything, but it did crack me in the head extremely hard and it bled a little bit. Is it possible that I have an aneurysm leaking in my brain after an injury that happened almost 6 years ago? I only just turned 21 I really don't want to die.

05-05-16, 16:37
I highly doubt that it is an aneurysm. I don't think you'd be posting on a forum if you had. Go the doctors and explain your story/symptoms.