View Full Version : Fear-Future-Genetics

05-05-16, 02:09
Everything scares me theses days. I feel like I should have hope and be positive about the future but it's so hard these days. I had a family member (2nd cousin) get diagnosed with muscular dystrophy this week and I cannot shake the uneasy feeling... It's not fair.

Also I can't help but worry about the genetics behind it as MD is an inherited rare disease, women are carriers. Since it was my cousins kid (our parents are sisters) I'm terrified now what that means for my future with my husband and future family.

I know this is anxiety talking.. It's genetics, it's already in DNA... It's out of my control, but it's consuming my thoughts. If I go to the doctor and get a carrier test I have to live with knowing it's a possibility even if it does t happen and idk if I want that worry, or just let life unfold. I could not even be at risk, I have no idea..... But his recent diagnoses rocked my world.. I wish I could find a cure for him it's not fair

Life is scary and I'm not feeling very hopeful ever anymore and for all I know I'm not a carrier and have the chances like anyone else... Who knows, just struck to close to home and having major health anxiety :(

05-05-16, 06:08
Genetic diseases are one of the hardest things for me to deal with in my health anxiety, too, so I understand.

Here's the thing, though. There's so much research out there about how profoundly diet can impact all manner of diseases. There's two schools of thought:

1. The disease is there, you'll get it if you'll get it, and once you do the doctors will medicate the symptoms but you'll get progressively worse and too bad for you. Many pharmaceutical companies want you to believe this is the only option, but...

2. You CAN take some control over it. With significant diet and lifestyle changes, some of which are extraordinarily simple, you can halt, prevent, lessen, or even reverse many diseases.

Three years ago I felt horrible and was laden with so much inflammation a doctor thought I probably had rheumatoid arthritis. It sent me into total panic and depression that lasted for months, I was so stressed out I slipped a disc in my neck, and I refused the test because it was too awful to face. Just a year on a vegetarian, mostly organic, mostly unprocessed diet entirely eliminated the problem. Whatever source you believe for our origin as human beings, it's impossible to deny we were intended to eat foods right at the source, so it's no wonder what good they can do our bodies.

Look up Dr. Joel Fuhrman and see what he has to say on the topic. He may already have a dietary prescription for genetic diseases.