View Full Version : Leg pain getting me down :-(

05-05-16, 13:24
I feel like I'm losing the plot. Basically I have this small lump on my leg which the doctor has seen probably about a year ago now, it's called I can't remember the word he described it, but he said it was nothing to worry about & could be removed but that would only be for cosmetic reasons.

So that was it & it never bothered me till.... last Friday for some reason I started touching it & prodding it then my leg was hurting & the rational part of me knows I've made this hurt but the health anxiety part is like I have skin cancer and I'm knocking on deaths door. I wonder have I prodded my skin & made it sore or/and am I imagining this pain?

If I'm distracted I usually forget until I'm home and start thinking about it & googling, it's 6 days and I'm still paranoid/prodding/in pain. I was convinced I had a DVT last night, oh it's exhausting feeling this Way. Any normal Person wouldn't be prodding or worrying if it was hurting. I'm really trying not to go to the doctors as I always feel like a timewaster & they're sick of the sight of me. But I don't know if I'll feel reassurance without going :wacko:

05-05-16, 22:35
Hi - I had a DVT scare a couple of months ago. Rationally I *knew* it was my Achilles tendon but still poking and prodding at it (just in case ��) and ended up bruising my leg badly. Made it worse. Ugh. It's so hard to lose a health obsession sometimes. I googled - ofc there's a lot of "OMG DVT" and very little OUCH I PULLED MY TENDON so i caved in the end and went to GP (again) and the nurse said definitely not DVT. Even after THAT I couldn't stop poking at it :(

If you've been reassured by a doc then maybe try some distraction when the urge to prod it strikes! I've been using Twitter. Seems to help :)

Hope you have a better day tomorrow X