View Full Version : worried about ovarian cancer

05-05-16, 14:32
I'm really struggling at the moment with a combination of anxiety and health issues.

I have recently had a cystoscopy to check my bladder as I kept having microscopic blood in my urine with no infection present. It was clear. The doctor is going to arrange for a scan on my ovaries because it is sometimes caused by them apparently.

From spending the last month convinced I've got bladder cancer, I am now thinking I have ovarian cancer which has spread. I have an on and off pain in one side which has been there a few months. I've had pain in my stomach after eating certain foods which I cut out a few months ago and that seems to have stopped. I also now have some backache in my lower back and feel short of breath along with occasional pains in my lungs and upper back. I feel like there's something in my stomach when I lie down. The 'lump' and the breathlessness and the sharp pains came on since my cystoscopy. I am now convinced that my ovarian cancer has spread around my body and I can't stop thinking about how I don't think I'm going to survive and will have to leave my children and husband without me. This all sounds so silly now I've written it down. My husband says it's like living with the grim reaper.

I had a bout of the blood but no urine infection around 18 months ago. I was given an ultrasound at that point but nothing was found and things settled down after the scan. I also had a blood test around the same time for liver function, tumour markers and something else but they were all clear.

A few weeks ago, I had a pain in my stomach after a meal which I put down to indigestion. It lasted a couple of hours and I'm wondering if the tumour on my ovary burst and that's when it spread around my body. Now I'm getting the symptoms of the spread.

I am not good with hospitals and any operations or treatment would be a complete nightmare for me. A few years ago I had some CBT and a mindfulness course for my anxiety problem (just general at that point, not health-related). I thought I had got it under control but this new problem is pulling me under again. There is a history of cancer in my family (grandparent and great-grandparent) and I think this is partly what is freaking me out.

I have a doctors appointment booked for Monday. Does anyone have any advice in the meantime please? I know you can't diagnose me

05-05-16, 21:57
I have had a lifetime of occult blood in urine on dip test, never ever had a clear test and have had lots of tests over the years and 3 years ago had a cystoscopy like you to rule out bladder polyps. Everything has always been normal and I have been told i have leaky kidneys ( if your kidneys have big filters they leak blood). They are healthy but as Dr said just make problems on dip tests!

IF your blood was due to ovarian cancer and you had it 18 months ago believe me you would not still be alive now so this really isn't something you need to panic about.

There are alot of things that can cause this blood like tiny kidney stones or like me no reason that needs treatment. They are ticking the boxes sending you for ultrasound plus the ultrasound will also be renal so any tiny kidney stones would show up as well.

07-05-16, 20:19
Thanks for the reply. You've reassured me. I just bumped into another posting I'd made when I thought I had bladder cancer before, when I had my last ultrasound. I had the same sort of pains that I have this time. I'm starting to think they might be caused by the anxiety because they completely went after the last ultrasound. Weirdly I now have pains down my legs and in my elbows this time.

I've had my scan appointment through today, it's not until the 26th so I'll just have to keep busy until then.

07-05-16, 21:25
I am sure you will be fine, please update when you get your results. I have an mri scan of spine on 16th may and it seems to be forever waiting for it!

04-06-16, 20:41
I'm pleased to report that nothing showed up on the ultrasound. I'm relieved and feeling stupid that I wasted so much time worrying. I couldn't get away from thinking someone has to get cancer so it could be me. There's still blood in my urine but nobody knows why so I guess I'll have to just accept it.

04-06-16, 22:07
You could just be like me and have big filters on your kidneys, I was 18 when the blood in urine was first detected ( I am now 55) and this was in the days before dip test strips. Every single test they do shows occult blood in urine. It causes awful problems if I end up in A&E for example and they never seem to believe me when i say I have had every test known to man ( iv pyelogram x ray, ultrasounds, cystoscopy) and this is normal for me just ignore it!