View Full Version : I'm on co-amoxiclav and metronidazole and major freak out

05-05-16, 20:02
I recently had a baby is had retained placenta with my second child so I knew the symtoms well 7 days after giving birth I had gushes of blood TMI sorry so I went to a&e after been messed about by the midwifes they give me co-amoxiclav just incase they was a infection I then went to doctors to let them know what was happening and how midwifes are messing me about and my anxiety is now out of control she got me into hospital I'm due back tommorow for another check up I'm now on co-amoxiclav and metronidazole since starting the first antibiotics I've been extremely dizzy to the point I can hardly stand up I feel severely sick have diarrhoea co-amoxiclav are not supposed to cause this the doctor said but it's been three days now I also keep getting numbness in my right arm odd chest and head pains my anxiety is so high about my health I nearly died last time I had retained products my notes say everything was complete after birth and they refuse to do a scan so I'm on these tablets feeling worse then I did before I started taking them still having random gushes and now believe I'm close to the end I've never felt so weak before ! Can these tablets cause all this ? Is it my anxiety ? Doctors aren't giving any straight forward answers I may be taking these tablets for no reason as a infection hasn't been confirmed but I can't just stop them because I know what happens if it is a infection and I don't want to go through all that again :, ( I'm in a mess I can't enjoy my baby ! It feels like he's growing so fast he's lifting his head at 11 days old and I feel like I can't be proud because I'm missing it all by been ill obviously I haven't actually missed it but I want to sit there enjoying it not standing up and feeling like I'm going to collapse I've have like a constant feeling in my belly and chest asif I'm going down a bump or roller coaster

05-05-16, 21:52
If you really are that weak then get yourself back to A&E.

Those drugs can have awful side effects which combined with high anxiety might be causing your symptoms but it sounds as if you are ill enough to warrant double checking. Do you have a temperature or shivers or foul smelling blood as all these would point to an infection but a blood test will confirm or rule it out.

I'm not wanting to worry you but your post is sounding like you are really ill so better to be safe.

06-05-16, 09:09
I've had Co amoxiclav many times and I'm fine with them, however my body doesn't like flucloxcillan so I guess we're all different. I agree, you might need checking over again and some explaination for your symptoms. Some may be anxiety or your symptoms may feel far worse because of the anxiety. Do you now have a health visitor you can call for advice?

06-05-16, 09:23
I've been extremely dizzy to the point I can hardly stand up I feel severely sick have diarrhoea co-amoxiclav are not supposed to cause this the doctor said but it's been three days now

Very common side effects - (affect more than 1 in 10
• diarrhoea (in adults)

Common side effects - (affect up to 1 in 10 people)
• thrush (candida - a yeast infection of the vagina, mouth
or skin folds)
• feeling sick (nausea), especially when taking high
dosages - if affected take Co-Amoxiclav before food
• vomiting (being sick)
• diarrhoea (children).

That's what it says in the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) in the box with this co-amoxiclav. So, your GP is incorrect.

Diarrhea and nausea are also listed amount the side effects against metronidazole. It does also mention agitation, irritability, depression, etc so if your anxiety is intensifying it is possible the med is playing a part in that.

Personally I think you should speak them again and stress that yes these exact symptoms are possible from these meds according to what the manufacturer prints in the box!

This is why I always ask a pharmacist and it's something I've always been told to do by my mum from many years ago as GP's can be ropey about meds.

06-05-16, 14:06
Thanks all I'm back in at the minute I do feel really ill they don't listen when I say my symtoms though so it's frustrating me I only started the metronidazole last night so all these symtoms started after taking co-amoxiclav everyone is saying they can't give these side effects I definitely feel I'm really unwell but it seems nobody is listening to ensure at all I know my body and it's making my anxiety worse because I know I'm been left without further tests ect

06-05-16, 16:48
Have you asked them directly for an ultrasound to check your womb contents? It seems unbelievable that they haven't done one as this is the first test they do for womb infection/retained placenta normally.

06-05-16, 17:19
I know they do as I had retained after my second they said today they have discharged me so it's gp again !
They are refusing a scan he said he thinks they is tiny fragments of membrane left and that's what is coming away but he can't be sure as my swabs haven't come back and told me to stop metronidazole if the dizziness gets worse I told him it started on co-amoxiclav not metronidazole but he just said to carry on the co-amoxiclav I'm so confused whether I have a severe cases of anxiety causing these symtoms or a bug or the tablets or infection ect my temp is still fine and he said my tummy feels normal and I have no tender spots now so he said it all seems OK and to go back to my GP if I have any more problems and said if it is fragments and it doesn't come away I'll have to get medication ? I had to have a d&c after my second son due to retained products I'm so confused by all this he said he isn't concerned about my dizziness as I made it to hospital ok I wish sometimes they was a button to swap feelings so he could feel exactly how I am I have realised my taste is off everything has a funny taste so maybe I do have a weird viral infection or something I keep getting sharp random head pain too suppose all I can do is situated and wait to see if I get better or worse now :( I'm really angry still my health visitor said to put a complaint in by the way I've been treated

06-05-16, 22:57
Thanks all I'm back in at the minute I do feel really ill they don't listen when I say my symtoms though so it's frustrating me I only started the metronidazole last night so all these symtoms started after taking co-amoxiclav everyone is saying they can't give these side effects I definitely feel I'm really unwell but it seems nobody is listening to ensure at all I know my body and it's making my anxiety worse because I know I'm been left without further tests ect

They can say what they want but they can't deny what is in black and white on a major professional drugs database, which is where I took the above from, and the fact the manufacturer even prints that in the leaflet. Show them the leaflet. I haven't added a link in case it's triggering for you.

07-05-16, 09:04
Thankyou very much I now have very bad diarrhoea to the point I can't hold it in and they is blood I was fine before the tablets I've got another 4 left so hopefully after them I'll be better the dizziness isn't so bad now it's the nausea and diarrhoea and feeling dehydrated that's the worse I still feel something isn't right though unfortunately will have to wait until Monday to see a doctor

07-05-16, 09:26
It might be worth contacting the 111 service or asking a pharmacist what they think?

Is the blood because you have been going so much? Is there any mucus?

07-05-16, 20:15
Maybe I do feel sore now I feel I'm been fobbed by everyone I realised I had this dizziness before I started the tablets but it wasn't constant my oh reminded me on the Friday before I went to hospital I was shopping and said I felt everything was spinning as I turned it then clicked on it did start before the tablets ! Just was very mild I'm now really scared as I keep having sharp pains in right side of my head that are fast but painful I also have tightness in my right face / ear and head I wish it would just go away I can 100% say I'm too ill to feel anxious right now which is really out of character for me but hopefully it'll end up been something that doesn't last long

08-05-16, 07:07
Definitely mention it to your GP when you go on Monday, this med can cause some blood in stools anyway and naturally they always recommend a GP checking that even though it's likely to just be from having the runs so bad. It is very likely due to the runs though. A member on here said their doctor explained to them why the runs can cause roids to bleed and it was because of the higher than normal acidic content of the stool. If you have roids, it could be something like this with the blood.

My mum was put on an antibiotic and once that contained a smaller dose of another antibiotic and she has sickness & the runs with it. With that one, I asked a pharmacist and she said it was a common issue with that one and that it was a reaction as she wasn't suited to it and her GP marked it on her record and changed to another sort. However, with some of these antibiotics, they do cause some unpleasant side effects and it's often the runs.

08-05-16, 08:39
Sorry you are feeling so unwell stars. It is very difficult when you have a new baby as well. However, if you are having bloody diarrhoea, I really think you need to speak to someone today and mention the antibiotics you are on. Some antibiotics can be associated with C. difficile infection and I think your symptoms need to be evaluated by a doctor, particularly as you have recently had a hospital stay. Could you go to a walk in clinic?

08-05-16, 10:05
Sorry you are feeling so unwell stars. It is very difficult when you have a new baby as well. However, if you are having bloody diarrhoea, I really think you need to speak to someone today and mention the antibiotics you are on. Some antibiotics can be associated with C. difficile infection and I think your symptoms need to be evaluated by a doctor, particularly as you have recently had a hospital stay. Could you go to a walk in clinic?

Isn't C.difficile the one where you would know easily because the smell is absolutely terrible?

It depends on the blood, when you are on the toilet so much it can happen. Having said that, it does also state contact a GP if it does on this med BUT for all we know it could be roids (very common in & after pregnancy/birth) or the frequency. That one is unclear.

08-05-16, 12:04
Not necessarily Terry; symptoms can vary from person to person. However, as you say, it could be caused by a myriad of things but I think stars should get medical advice on this one.

08-05-16, 13:49
What's c?

---------- Post added at 13:48 ---------- Previous post was at 13:45 ----------

Thing is I've had so much shit shoved through my body is got induced at birth never been induced before either so that was new to my body then I had to take fragmin for a week after then had co-amoxiclav and metronidazole I've had metronidazole before and I think co-amoxiclav but not for years ....
I still have this dizziness it's like I'm on a bouncy castle sharp head pains right sided I haven't had anymore diarrhoea today though it's the dizziness that's getting me basically feel I'm walking on a bouncy castle and obviously it makes me so anxiouse I'm starting to think I have a brain problem

---------- Post added at 13:49 ---------- Previous post was at 13:48 ----------

Or anyrsm ready to pop

08-05-16, 14:02
Anyone on strong antibiotics is at risk of contracting c diff infection in their bowels. Its usually hospital acquired although I know someone who got it in the community. Antibiotics kill off all your good bacteria and allow the nasty ones to flourish.
The main symptom of c diff infection is bloody runs and general illness which is why previous poster has mentioned this.
A stool sample is needed to test for it but is very definitive and a different type of antibiotic is needed to get rid of this. In a hospital setting you would have barrier nursing to stop it spreading.

OF course this does not mean you have c diff just because you have bloody runs but it has to be taken into consideration and I would strongly suggest that you hand in a stool sample at your Dr's surgery tomorrow am for testing. Explain your concerns and I am sure no Dr would refuse testing.

08-05-16, 14:23
Not necessarily Terry; symptoms can vary from person to person. However, as you say, it could be caused by a myriad of things but I think stars should get medical advice on this one.

When I've seen threads about it there have been several members who work or have worked in infectious wards treating it and they have said it's like canal water and stinks the ward out. Explosive was a term used. It sounded awful.

---------- Post added at 14:23 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

Antibiotics kill off all your good bacteria and allow the nasty ones to flourish..

Definitely and that can also cause an increase in anxiety symptoms too. Healthy flora is connected to mood as they are finding as well in the case of some strains.

When my mum was in hospital with pneumonia she had a lot of antibiotics. If messed her up with terrible runs and then constipation. A few days of eating yoghurt and it greatly improved. So, it's worth doing this to boost the healthy bacteria.

08-05-16, 19:35
I've never heard of this before I read up about it can cause coltritus or something I can't spell it lol
Which your bowel inflamed I had a inflamed bowel after having my second son I was on antibiotics then and had a d&c so the doctor said it was normal at the time and it seemed to resolve itself so I'll ring gp first thing in morning the reason been I don't want to ring 111 is because they either send ambulance or send you to a&e and we've all been told no a&e unless life threatening conditions due to low staff
I wonder if the antibiotics have killed tge good because I may not even have a infection so I could be taking them for no reason I stopped taking the metronidazole I'm just on co-amoxiclav now got until Tuesday on them :(

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:15 ----------

OK so something weird just happened I'm now having what I hope is a panic attack basically stood up went out side came back in heard a loud weird noise in my right ear I think kinda weird like all I can describe was a kinda loud crunching paper noise then my left ear went like deaf and got loud ringing for a few seconds I sat down fast as I was semi sitting when it happened I'm absolutely so anxiouse right now I feel like I'm going crazy I really believe something is wrong in my head like tumour

09-05-16, 13:34
Update doctor wants bloods on Wednesday fbc, bcp, ferritin, foliate, b 12 clotting profile.

She can't explain my dizziness didn't say anything about my headaches but said she's ringing hospital again to try and get me seen too as she's mad now that they haven't done a scan also said if the diareaha doesn't stop after antibiotics I need to go back

09-05-16, 22:01
Did she check your ears hun, I get symptoms like you've described with ear infections. Xxx

10-05-16, 11:45
Nope she never didn't do anything accept blood pressure xx

13-05-16, 16:04
Well my blood results came back and my iron was abnormal so given iron tablets .

01-06-16, 15:30
Well still exactly the same dizziness but getting worse can't stand without getting like a adrenline kinda rush through chest arms and legs heart races upon standing and I don't feel myself at all iron tablets haven't made a difference still waiting for a ct scan feel like I'm dying to be honest I no longer stand up unless I have to