View Full Version : I am back from my holiday

10-03-07, 12:37
We arrived home from Disneyland Paris yesterday, omg what a nightmare, honestly it could only happen to mehttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/laugh.gif

We arrived tuesday, the children were stars, we were up at 4am, the flight was only an hour and they loved it. It was peeing it down all day so we didn't get far around the park, it was freezing and we were soaked through.

My 4 year old son woke up wednesday morning coughing, we went around disney that day, had a great time but by teatime he was crying saying his eyes were hurting and he felt hot. Got back to our room and he was boiling so we had to drag him out to tea, poor thing but we had to feed the rest of us, soon as he saw Goofy he perked up abit. I was up all night with him though, he was very hot and crying. Thursday he spent all day in bed, weather was lovely aswell. I was quite upset because it took alot for me to go away, I am not a keen flyer and I do worry when taking the kids abroadhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif I wanted us all to have a great holiday, I mean we did until wednesday night but we missed a full day, I didn't want to leave my son and hubby wouldn't of been able to go on any rides if he took the other 2 children because of our 17mth old in the buggy.

I popped up the dr with my son yesterday because he had a high temp all yesterday that didn't come down with meds, dr said its lyrangitis (sp) and he is full of cold so its just a calpol job.

I have never had mine get ill so close together, all 3 are hot and ill. Is there a virus going around that makes their eyes water and be so sore? it seems to be the first symptom along with a temp. Then its a cough, sore throat and cold.

The weather was lovely wednesday and thursday though, it really is worth visiting disneyland but its soooo tiring. I wish we had stayed a little closer to the park, the disney hotel is lovely. We were at the Cheyene, the boys loved it there.

Anyway we did have a fab time that day but I am bloody gutted this had to happen, as if I wasn't anxious enough going away, I couldn't believe my luck. I felt so sorry for my son this was his dream holiday.

All I can say is, NEVER again, well for nowhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif I don't really have a great happy holiday story to tell, I feel like a right depressing cowhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/laugh.gif Today I have a temp, feel sick, bad cough, headache etc..... all 3 children are ill now and my husband is fine!!!!

I am abit anxious because im starting to wonder why im picking up all these things because I didn't use to get ill when the kids got ill but lately ive had everything they get, its a total nightmare. It has me wondering if ive something wrong seriously because im picking everything up, hubby knew i was worrying if i had cancer or something because im ill alot when they are but as he pointed out my full blood count was fine in February so not to worry but still has me wondering:winks: . Now I have a cold starting im also worrying I will get sinusitis and I only had that last month and am just getting over it. Its not fair, I use to get away with things but now im ill everytime they are:mad:

10-03-07, 12:39
Oh and PS I am taking vitamins and I eat very well, could work better on my 5 a day but I am eating quite healthy. I am still about 3/4 of a stone under weight and ive low ferritin levels (iron stores but im not anaemic) which dr told me will make me tired and run down, I wonder if its why i am suseptable to illness because of that. My mother in law says I need to eat more roast dinners to get some meat on my bones, lol!

10-03-07, 12:47
You did marvellously well to go on holiday - well done :D

I remember when my 3 were all small piglets there always seemed to be someone ill in the house with one thing or another - I think it sort of comes with the territory.

All you can do hun is just do as you are doing and eat as well as you can and rest (what's that eh) whenever you can too.

I don't advise taking iron willy nilly but both my sister and I take this stuff www.spatone.co.uk (http://www.spatone.co.uk) to give our iron levels a boost. You just add it to a drink.

Perhaps run it by your doctor - my sister's doc thought it was good idea for my sister who had low levels but not necessarily to the point of having a prescription necessity.

Piglet :flowers:

10-03-07, 13:02

Why don't you agree with taking iron can I ask?

My dr has put me on 2 a day for the last 5 months because he said thats why I was so tired and I have to have blood tests every 2-3 months.

10-03-07, 13:19
Ah Cherry that's good if the doctor has prescibed it - it's just one of those things that you shouldn't just take if you have no need for it, as too much iron is as bad as not enough.

Always best to be guided by the doctor for this one as they know by your blood test results if it's necessary to take supplements of it.

I'm sure you will feel the benefit of them very soon.

Piglet :flowers:

10-03-07, 13:26
Oh yes my GP prescribed them, they are on prescription.

10-03-07, 13:49

Piglet :flowers:

miss diagnosis
10-03-07, 15:36
i was diagnoised with low iron after my hair started falling out and yeah i was really tired to oand i was always ill. I took my iron (liquid YUCK) for a while but now i just make sure to eat loads of spinach.

sorry about your holiday. we were in france last year and the weather sucked and i got badly bitten and my whole face swelled up and my eye was so swollen i couldnt open it. course no doctor or even a pharmacy open on a sat afternoon or sunday!!!!

10-03-07, 16:02
Oh ouch must of been painful.
What time of year did you go? it was raining tuesday and friday, was lovely wednesday & thursday.

It must be the low iron then, i seem so run down lately.


10-03-07, 16:35

Well done on going on holiday and coping with all the illnesses - that is fab news to read.:)

Sorry you are not so well now either - I bet you are tired too from looking after the kids being ill. Hope you all feel better soon.

11-03-07, 09:53
Thanks Nicola,

I still feel ill today, kids are abit brighter but still full of it. Hubby is still fine though, grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Why me and not him?lol! Not that im wishing it on him but if he was ill too I wouldn't worry about me getting ill all the time.

I had a full blood count only a month ago and that was normal but im still worrying ive leaukemia or lymphona or something because im always run down and I have blood when I blow my nose the last 2 days:-( I sound so silly I know but I never use to pick things up from the kids, not even a cold.

11-03-07, 11:28
hi cherry just want to say well done for you you did so well to go on holiday.i have been there a few times and god if you can get through like you did you should be so proud its such a busy place.ive stayed in the explorers hotel when ive been.i know things didnt go to plan with the kids being ill this happened to me with my kids and its dissapointing to lose a day as you try to pack so much in to such a tireing day but think of what you achieved and the good days and times you had.well done tracy:yesyes:

11-03-07, 12:39
Thanks so much Tracy:-)