View Full Version : Anxiety or Lyme Disease?

05-05-16, 23:05
So over the last year I've had a pretty hard time with health concerns. It started last summer with a bad flu. I was fatigued, and felt horrible.
After that it started with my eyes hurting, floaters increasing, headaches often and something the doctor called visual tinnitus all of which I still have now.
Since then I've had ringing in my ears, jaw and mouth pain, tingling in hands and feet (mostly on the left side) horrible neck and back pain, as well as chest pain. The most recent symptom is a webbed like redness thats going all over my body. My face has also turned red.
The eyes worry me the most, since my vision hasn't really gotten better since then. I have had blood tests and everything done which all came back negative, but I was told they aren't very reliable.
My question is these can all be symptoms of lyme disease, as well as anxiety. How can I know the difference?
I did go camping about a dozen times last year before I started having trouble. I don't remember specifically a tick bite but I do remember being bitten.
Thank you for any help.

11-05-16, 15:28
All of those symptoms are common in the general population but only us the anxious ones notice and worry about them.lyme? absolutely not those are not even lyme disease symptoms.at least the real one.there is chronic lyme that is a fake disease created by some quack that call themsleves lime literate *******s.they took 300 most common symptoms in the general population and extended an actual disease for credibility.they lie that the tests are not good and even a fart means lyme(seriously read the on their forums)those that believe in it on lyme forums are a crazy cult most of them have a pipe in their hearts pumping antibiotics in them because they are scammed and they believe it religiosuly some think they got it from tears,saliva some put their chidlren on iv antibiotics those *******s are crazy and dont go on their forums.they make it is seem like everything is chronic lyme.the test available for real lyme disease at every lab or hospital are 100% right if donte after 4-6 weeks from the tick bite and will be positive if you really have lyme and you dont have aids.but those quacks lie that they are not gud here try ours wich is 1000% sensitive they own labs like igenex that are unaproved and are specialised in throwing away your blood sample and give you a positive result.they lie that actually other diseases is lyme thus taking profit and exploit people with serious diseases like als or ms and giving them hope and deprive them from other beneficial treatments.they are fing money hungry *******s.and their following are even crazier mostly white females in their 40s that never seen a tick in their lives but have lyme.dont believe everything you read on the internet.how do i know this?my friend is a infectious disease doctor and i asked because i googled my random symptoms too and told me about their lucrative bussines and i looked on those lyme forums and he was right those people are insane.but of course you know how anxiety is i had to ask him give me a lyme test just to move on and find the next disease that i was gonna have.i took paxil for 6 months and now i dont have any symptoms or if i have like a muscle twitch or idk a headache i dont reallt give a shit like every other guy on the planet and i feel amazing.good luck and if you have any other question ask me

12-05-16, 15:51
All common occurances in pretty much everybody out there I would imagine. Anxious minds hone in on these feelings/"symptoms" and imagine they're caused by something sinister. Non-anxious minds brush them off as minor annoyances, and are able to get on with their day. Lucky People :)

Anxiety's a b*tch.

12-05-16, 22:23
All common occurances in pretty much everybody out there I would imagine. Anxious minds hone in on these feelings/"symptoms" and imagine they're caused by something sinister. Non-anxious minds brush them off as minor annoyances, and are able to get on with their day. Lucky People :)

Anxiety's a b*tch.

absolutely.those are not symptoms worth of worry.floaters lol.unless you see thousands in a matter of seconds and you are not blind by the end of the day youre fine.