View Full Version : Random skin tag appeared in abdomen/pubic area

06-05-16, 00:30
Hey there,

This year has been full of health anxiety for me. Whenever I get over one issue another seems to crop up. This time I've felt what I thought was a regular spot in my pubic area away from any folds (which is concerning me because skin tags don't normally appear somewhere where the skin doesn't meet skin do they?).

It's small, it wobbles to touch and it looks close to the skin colour of the surrounding skin so I'm guessing it's a skin tag rather than a mole... I hope. Anything I should be concerned about?

For background here's what the last 8 months have looked like: acid reflux which I thought was the c word in my throat, a bizarre low hum in my ears when I settle down in the evening (still appears most nights), blurred and ghosted vision when looking at dark screens with light text in dark rooms and now this. I'm just fed up. It's always something. Each problem followed the last leading me to believe there is something seriously wrong.