View Full Version : I've run out of Propranolol

06-05-16, 02:45
So I've been taking 40mg of Propranolol three times a day since early February. The other day I realised I was about to run out, so emailed for a repeat prescription, which I'm just waiting to come true. In order to avoid running out all at once, I've taken 20mg once a day for two days. But now I've run out. Am I in danger?

06-05-16, 06:20
I know next to nothing about this med but what I tell you is that the NHS has en emwergency provision to allow pharmacists to prescribe when this happens subject to the rules in this link:


I doubt you will have a problem. Generally if there will be any possibility of a withdrawal, I'm sure they will help but I think what they do is give a short supply to keep you going until you can access your GP.

They will be more careful with some meds (think about who would be asking for Benzo's or Pregabalin on the sly, for instance) but with things like this or antidepressants, I doubt there would be a problem.

06-05-16, 06:31
You should try and get a few from your pharmacy like a Terry said, just to be safe.
It is a beta blocker and people are instructed to taper off when stopping so I would not want to stop suddenly.
Take care.

---------- Post added at 05:29 ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 ----------

So I've been taking 40mg of Propranolol three times a day since early February. The other day I realised I was about to run out, so emailed for a repeat prescription, which I'm just waiting to come true. In order to avoid running out all at once, I've taken 20mg once a day for two days. But now I've run out. Am I in danger?

Sorry, I now see that you have only been on a low dose for 2 days, so no need to taper, but if you need them to feel better then I would still try and get a few.

---------- Post added at 05:31 ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 ----------

You should try and get a few from your pharmacy like a Terry said, just to be safe.
It is a beta blocker and people are instructed to taper off when stopping so I would not want to stop suddenly.
Take care.

---------- Post added at 05:29 ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 ----------

Sorry, I now see that you have only been on a low dose for 2 days, so no need to taper, but if you need them to feel better then I would still try and get a few.

Sorry again, I should read more carefully. You have been taking since Feb. So yes you need to get enough while you wait.

06-05-16, 08:33
Thanks for your responses guys. Very helpful.

As it happens, it's crisis averted. My prescription was ready this morning, so I now have lots of delicious Propranolol to enjoy.

To some extent this demonstrates the downside of taking medication. It does add an extra layer of stress to your life (if you're like me, anyway) and even anxiety. I could feel myself getting more anxious than I have been in ages, but I don't know if that was withdrawal or just me doing it to myself by worrying about the situation. I suspect the latter.

In any case, Propranolol has proven very helpful for me in conjunction with my SSRIs. Glad to have this sorted out.

Thanks again.

06-05-16, 08:37
Because you have been taking it routinely on a daily basis for 3 months.
Yes, you need to taper from this med.
withdrawals would be increased heart rate and feelings of heightened anxiety (adrenaline rush)

I would firstly telephone your GP and ask for an emergency telephone or actual appointment.
Explain the situation to your GPs practice manager (tho I hate discussing ANYTHING with anyone other than my GP)
And they may be able to email the prescription immediately.

go to your local pharmacy and explain.

06-05-16, 11:21
I can definitely understand the additional anxiety over an anxiety med! The last thing we want to do is rock the boat and so missing a day or running out is always a worry. My surgery can be unreliable so I put them in 2 weeks early and initially this meant the risk of them turning them down as they were too early, but they've stopped doing that now. It's the receptionists that deal with repeats at mine so mistakes do happen.

Glad it's sorted.

15-05-16, 06:57
I always get real anxious if I am running low on medication in case I go into a attack but I often missed Prop when I have felt ok and not had any bad reactions.