View Full Version : Echo today scared and tired

06-05-16, 05:54
Got my heart. Echo this morning been up most of night worrying about it and partner has pneumonia so she's been coughing all night , feel so tired and messed up that I don't think I can go through with it , she's at docs this morning as well so no one to go with her , I feel sick and shakey already , after all we've been Through with the dog dying I just fear the worst for both of us spent most of yesterday in panic , just don't know where to turn , none of our family have come round to help so it's just me and her all day , realy low and had enough

06-05-16, 08:23
You can do it! You can get there and get the tests. I'm sure it will be fine and a relief to have it over and done with?

06-05-16, 09:34
I know it's hard Buster but what if you can get this out of the way and then it's done, nothing further needed? Then you can concentrate on looking after your partner and getting some rest yourself.

Because she has so many issues with coughing in the night, perhaps a compromise whereby you have some nights in a spare room could help? Just so you can try and get a decent nights sleep?

I saw you were upset over the lack of GP help on your other thread. A lot of us feel like we are just numbers and can't access any help. I had CBT, it didn't work and got told that was my lot so I walked away from my GP. It's bad enough when you are in recovery let alone in the harder stages.

I saw this on the NHS site and thought of mentioning it in case it's any use to you:


I don't know what they are like but other than the crisis teams and The Samaritans, talk lines can be limited. If you have a local charity in your area like I have, there may be walk-in sessions where you can just talk to others and have a cuppa with people who understand.

07-05-16, 23:51
Hi , thanks for the replies got through the echo went in on time first thing so didn't have much time to get to anxious and had half a diazepam before had to drive there on my own so could got over the top with diazepam , don't get the results back yet but she said nothing stood out that would keep me in there , I guess it's the asthma and anxiety getting me out of breath so much when I'm exerting my self , docs prescribed mirtazepine but very reluctant partner tried it with bad results and I tried citalapram which messed me up very badly , the docs also suggested propranolol which I said I'd look into first glad I did can't take it with asthma pointed that out when I went back , I see a different doc each time and they change their mind on meds one says up your diazepam other says don't want to give it you because it's addictive they put me on it in the first place , partner is still ill at home she won't go in hospital because she got mrsa before can't blame her on that one , haven't got a spare room but then Ive only been to bed a handful of times since start of December , bad back for two months worn discs , dog ill for four weeks so slept down stairs with him until we lost him now this it's been a struggle didn't feel as bad today , I think the only person who can dig me out of this hole is me not holding my breath on the cbt and meds don't seem to be for me , my original doc sent the crisis team to me then took her own life not long after didn't give me much hope in the mental health team if they couldn't look after their own she was on the news while I was trying to recover , I'm rambling now so I'll just thank you for the relies and take somthing to try and get some sleep , take care .

08-05-16, 07:27
Well done for getting through the appointment. Now you can at least try and work on normality, as much as you can get of it in your situation.

Medical people can be the last to ask for help sometimes, Buster. Some may think they can manage it on their own just because they are trained but we all know it's nothing like that in reality and no one should feel ashamed or weak in asking for help no matter who they are.

Propranalol prescribed in someone with Asthma! A major :doh: there then. There are beta blockers that are safer if they are truly needed, but this one isn't recommended. Again, yet another example of GP's and why they should be checking meds and our conditions first, but it seems to so often not happen. Even if you were prescribed this, if you took it to your regular pharmacy they would likely reject it and refuse to dispense it. Mine does this as they check your other prescription meds before they dispense and the pharmacist comes out telling you why your GP is an idiot when they get it wrong!

If you are tolerant to the Diazepam then your GP's should be issuing it no matter what! Sudden withdrawal is dangerous. If you are not tolerant, then I would be highly suspicious of any GP prescribing any Benzo for longer periods, sadly even now we have ignorant GP's getting patients hooked on these drugs despite the recommendations being sent out by the NHS a very long time ago. There really is no excuse but sadly, who is watching the GP's?

08-05-16, 13:20
Hi , pretty sure one if not both of you have asthma does yours get worse when you are going though a bad time , I'm getting out of breath and weezy after a ten minute walk now or if i start working an hour and I'm weezing tight chest and really struggling , I usually get like this when its very cold or hot but now it's every time I exert myself in the slightest , just had asthma check up and upped my brown inhaler which I'm taking twice a day , not had as much excercise this year with all that's gone on , just wondered if you have the same problem when things get tough , thanks in advance

09-05-16, 05:42
If they've upped your Preventer, it sounds like your asthma is not correctly controlled. That makes sense with how you are struggling.

Certainly weather can impact on it. Too much heat or too much cold. I find some years that as the seasons change, I have a couple of weeks of asthma issues and then it's gone.

We've also had another one of those Saharan dust clouds over and some people may struggle with that. I've felt it one year but the others never bothered me.

Exercise is ok for me but I'm 40 and in reasonable health, just a stone over weight. I walk pretty much daily, miles, at a good pace and with shopping on the way back. Cardio improves asthma, it's recommended to us all but obviously get your GP to be ok with exercise routines in case your asthma, or other conditions in some, could be an issue.

Stress does impact on asthma too. I don't find that bothers me but a new symptom of my anxiety since going on a med was muscular tension and this did bother my asthma, and still does some days.

09-05-16, 08:49
Thanks for the reply , I did notice the weird dust all over my van hadn't heard about it this time , I feel pretty sure it's the stress making things worse I've never been this bad with it , you do a good thing replying to people on here I see your name pop up a lot , I know some don't get back afterwards but I guess they appreciate it , anxiety can make you very self absorbed , thanks

09-05-16, 11:06
Hi , pretty sure one if not both of you have asthma does yours get worse when you are going though a bad time , I'm getting out of breath and weezy after a ten minute walk now or if i start working an hour and I'm weezing tight chest and really struggling , I usually get like this when its very cold or hot but now it's every time I exert myself in the slightest , just had asthma check up and upped my brown inhaler which I'm taking twice a day , not had as much excercise this year with all that's gone on , just wondered if you have the same problem when things get tough , thanks in advance

Hey Buster, yes I do have asthma and I'm also one of those stupid people who smokes with it. I'd say it's natural for asthma to get worse when under stress and getting the right inhalers should sort it out. Remember anxiety makes us breath badly. Asthma does this too. I'm finding doing deep belly breathing exercises for a few minutes a few times a day is helping as us asthmatics tend not to exhale properly. Give it a go!

10-05-16, 13:51
Hi shaz ,thanks for the reply , it is hard to tell somtimes wether it's asthma or anxiety but this time I'm getting weezing and whistling and coughing up phlegmy bits , it's so frustrating not being able to work without stopping every half hour , had a full on panic attack while driving last night because I was weezing , been back to docs this morning chest sounds clear but it does when I'm not doing much my own lungs are making me look like a liar , your doc must love you asthmatic and smoking they almost look dissapointed when I say I don't smoke and don't drink much anymore it's their favourite thing to put the blame on they have to go down the overweight route , if I lose a couple of stone they won't have much left , hope you are doing ok ish , thanks , take care

11-05-16, 10:06
Thanks for your kind words, Buster. We are all doing what we can to support each other and I'm in a much better place than a few years ago so it's worth trying to help.

I think you need to see what happens with your med increase. If it doesn't do anything, see them again as they could try you on one of the other types. I'm assuming it's Qvar with it being brown (used to be Becotide), which I've always been on. My mum was too but it wasn't doing enough and she has been moved through a few others since until the latest one which seems to be helping more. My GF too has a different one as she couldn't tolerate the old one she was on.

The panic will be adding to it but given they have upped your Reliever and what you are describing, your asthma does sound like it needs some management.