View Full Version : Breathing techniques

06-05-16, 06:09
Hi All, not exactly sure which section to post this in but thought under GAD would do. I seem to have both this and Panic Disorder and probably some Health anxiety as well.

Anyway, last week when I saw the psychologist he wanted to talk to me about breathing and explained that during anxiety we tend to OVER breathe, taking more breaths than average and often shallower so of course a technique to calm things is to take slower, deeper breaths.

But here's where I'm stuck. He said the average breathing rate for a normal person is something like 12-16 per minute. He sent me off to do some breath counting and then practice the slower breathing. BUT every time I count my breaths at the moment without deliberately trying to change anything I only breathe 7-9 times a minute.

So the question is: Can UNDER breathing be as much of an issue as OVER breathing? Do I need to try and speed my breathing up a little bit?

07-05-16, 15:35
Do whatever feels natural and comfortable to you. I strongly disagrees with those breathing techniques that count. I go at my own pace and I'm fine lol. There's so many factors that go into that. I'm 5'0 and 100lbs. My husband is 5'11 about 160lbs. If him and I were to breath at the same rate one of us wouldn't be comfortable. My lungs are smaller and would hold less air. Some people smoke, some people do exercises. Just do whatever is natural for you. Everyone is different. Think of breathing techniques as guidelines.

07-05-16, 16:19
Your breathing rate is fine and normal.
If you are anxious just try to breathe more into and out from your belly, this will help relax you.

07-05-16, 23:43
Your breathing rate is fine and normal.
If you are anxious just try to breathe more into and out from your belly, this will help relax you.

Yes I have been doing this throughout the day and it helps as I seem to breathe slow AND shallow!

08-05-16, 01:02
Breathe deep into the belly, watch it rise and fall instead of your chest.
It will become more and more automatic cause your body really likes it.