View Full Version : ca125

06-05-16, 12:11
Just been for bloods done this morning because my hormones and lft test were raised and she mentioned she was doing ca125 which is a cancer marker. She said don't worry though ha, try saying that to someone with HA. I am beside myself now she has said the c word and testing for it.:shrug:

dizzy daisy
06-05-16, 14:27
Zippy the ca125 test is for ovarian. Please don't worry though because it can come back raised for cysts too. I know 3 people who had massed on ovaries and this test came back raised- they were so frightened and guess what, they all had benign ovarian cysts only so all that worry for nothing xxxx

06-05-16, 14:35
I am getting an ultrasound tomorrow and worried sick.

06-05-16, 16:45
They like to do ca125 on women in their 40's because it gives them a good refernce for future use. I had an ovarian cyst when I was 45 and had my first ca125 test that was 7.2 which is quite low ( range 4-35) and I have then had one every couple of years since and the highest it got to was 8 and my recent one was back to 7.2. If it had gone up alot then this would alert them to investigate further. Plus lots of none cancerous things can raise ca125 as well but generally not very high.

My cousin had ovarian cancer and her ca125 was 75 on her first test, they then use it to moniter treatment efficiency.

The combination of the blood test and an ultrasound is as good as it gets for ovarian cancer screening, if both are fine then you are fine.